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Clean Energy Processes

Welcome to the Clean Energy Processes (CEP) Laboratory 

The Clean Energy Processes (CEP) Laboratory is based in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London. Currently, ~40 members are at the core of the laboratory, whose activities have attracted a research income of ~£30M over the last 5 years. Our mission is to conduct significant research in collaboration with industry, international research centres and universities on fundamental aspects of thermodynamics, fluid flow, heat and mass transfer processes, as well as their applications to a range of components, devices, technologies and systems for energy recovery, conversion and storage. Our research covers theoretical, experimental and modelling approaches and the full range of scales from molecules to systems, with outputs that have led to the publication of >400 papers, which have been published in high-impact journals or presented at important international conferences.


2024: Professor Christos N. Markides is in the 2% most cited scientists in the world according to updated Stanford University List using Scopus database. The list can be found here!

2023: Our article "Solar combined cooling, heating and power systems based on hybrid PVT, PV or solar-thermal collectors for building applications" received the "Most Cited Paper" Award for being the most cited paper presented in the SDEWES 2018 Conference.  

2023: Our article "Thermo-economic assessments of pumped-thermal electricity storage systems employing sensible heat storage materials" by Zhao et al. published in Renewable Energy has been flagged as an ESI Highly Cited Paper.

2023: Our article "A thermally-driven seawater desalination system: Proof of concept and vision for future sustainability" by Alrowais et al. was recently listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for: GeologyRN: Water Resources Engineering (Topic).

2023: In our new open-access review article in Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, we provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in hybrid PVT collectors and the wider systems within which they can be implemented: A review of solar hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PV-T) collectors and systems

2022: Our article "Operational optimisation of an air-source heat pump system with thermal energy storage for domestic applications" has been featured in the PV Magazine

2022: Our article "Efficiency limits of concentrating spectral-splitting hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PV-T) solar collectors and systems" by Huang et al. was selected by Light: Science & Applications (LSA) as one of the 2021 Top Downloaded Papers!

Clean Energy Processes (CEP) Laboratory

Video Highlights

IChemE Global Award 2018

IChemE Research Project Award Winner - Next-Generation Hybrid Solar Systems

IChemE Global Award 2018

IChemE Global Award 2018

Professor Christos Markides wins the IChemE Global Award for Best Research Project

IChemE Research Project Award Winner - Next-Generation Hybrid Solar Systems

Royal Society event 2018

Royal Society event 2018

Professor Christos Markides talks about thermal energy storage technologies

 A video recording of the Royal Society event (23 January 2018) "Energy storage: Automotive and grids" (see event ) on Thermal Energy Storage Technologies in a Sustainable UK Energy Future

Grantham Institute event 2017

Grantham Institute event 2017

Grantham Institute event on solar thermal and hybrid photovoltaic thermal systems

A video recording of the Grantham Institute event (24 July 2017) to discuss technology developments and policy that accompanied the release of the briefing paper "Solar thermal and hybrid photovoltaic thermal systems for renewable heating" by A. Ramos, I. Guarracino, A. Mellor, D. Alonso-Álvarez, P. Childs, N.J. Ekins-Daukes, C.N. Markides (see paper)

ASME-ORC conference 2013

ASME-ORC conference 2013

CEP researcher James Freeman at the ASME-ORC conference in Rotterdam, October 20

Researcher James Freeman gives a talk on "Towards the optimisation of a domestic-scale organic Rankine cycle system for combined heat and power in the UK"