The study of transport processes is key to countless applications from multiphase flow in pipelines to boiling flows in concentrating solar power plants and combustion in engines. Understanding the fundamental phenomena of fluid mechanics, mass transfer and heat transfer associated with such systems informs their efficient design and operation, translating to tangible improvements in performance. In the Transport Processes Division, advanced experimental methods including state-of-the-art optical techniques are employed to gain insights into transport phenomena through detailed measurements with high spatial and temporal resolution.

The research activities conducted by the Transport Processes Division are:

  1. Multiphase/Interfacial flows
  2. Heat transfer
  3. Phase change
  4. Chemically-reacting flows
  5. Complex fluids, heat transfer enhancement and drag reduction

Transport Processes Division Content


  • Ibarra et al. published a new paper "Experimental investigations of upward-inclined stratified oil-water flows using simultaneous two-line planar laser-induced fluorescence and particle velocimetry" in the International Journal of Multiphase Flow in 2021. Access the article here
  • An et al. published a new open-access paper "Study of disturbance wave development in downwards annular flows with a moving frame-of-reference brightness-based laser-induced fluorescence method" in Experiments in Fluids in 2020. Access the article here
  • Voulgaropoulos et al. published a new paper "Transient freezing of water between two parallel plates: A combined experimental and modelling study" in the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer in 2020. Access the article here
  • Charogiannis et al. published a new paper "Spatiotemporally resolved heat transfer measurements in falling liquid-films by simultaneous application of planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF), particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) and infrared (IR) thermography" in Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science in 2019. Access the article here
  • Dr. Ajay Gupta presented results from this work at the European Combustion Meeting (April 18  21, 2017) in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  • On 13 March 2017, Professor Pietro De Palma from Politecnico di Bari visited the CEP group and gave the seminar "An advanced CFD tool for conjugate-heat-transfer problems in complex geometries".
  • Professor Christos Markides presents his research on Interfacial Waves and Flow Velocity in Annular Flow at the Geoff Hewitt Celebration Conference on Multiphase Flow, July 2014.
  • On September 24, 2013, Dr. Ajay Gupta presented this workat the Current Research in Combustion Research Forum, Loughborough, United Kingdom.