Meet the Undaunted team

The Undaunted team works closely with colleagues across the Ri and Imperial College London, as well as the much broader climate innovation communities across London and beyond.

Meet the Undaunted team

  • Alyssa Gilbert

    Alyssa Gilbert

    Personal details

    Alyssa Gilbert Director of Undaunted & Director of Innovation at the Grantham Institute

    +44 (0)20 7594 9665


    Alyssa is the Director of Undaunted and has as strong background in climate policy. She also leads on innovation at the Grantham Institute , focussing on speeding up the creation, development and scale up of innovative solutions to the climate crisis.

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  • Jim Shaikh

    Headshot of Jim Shaikh

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    Jim Shaikh Head of The Greenhouse


    Jim runs Undaunted's accelerator programme,  The Greenhouse

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  • Nicole Bachanova

    Nicole Bachanova

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    Nicole Bachanova Programme Manager of The Greenhouse


    Nicole is responsible for planning and designing accelerator programme, ensuring that the start-ups receive all the support they need via workshops, mentorship, networking and more.

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  • Claudia Cannon

    Claudia Cannon

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    Claudia Cannon Communications and Marketing Officer


    Claudia leads on Undaunted's marketing, multi-channel communication activities and media relations.

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  • Cathal Hughes

    Cathal Hughes

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    Cathal Hughes Projects Manager


    Cathal leads on projects supporting innovative early-stage cleantech SMEs, developing an active London climatetech community and advocating for climate policies and measures to accelerate the UK’s net zero transition.

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  • Kate Field

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    Personal details

    Kate Field Kate Field


    Kate provides administrative support to aid Undaunted activities and operations.

  • Melissa Mahdi

    Melissa Mahdi

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    Melissa Mahdi Project Manager - Shared Prosperity Fund


    Melissa leads on the compliance and budget management for Undaunted's Shared Prosperity Fund  Retrofit Accelerator programme with the Greater London Authority.

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  • Dr Paul Rouse

    Paul Rouse

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    Dr Paul Rouse Flexi Fund Manager, CO2 Removal Hub (CO2RE)


    Paul manages the Greenhouse Gas Removal Hub’s ( CO2RE ) flexible fund which is helping to ensure that Greenhouse Gas Removal (GGR) techniques can develop rapidly, effectively and responsibly, alongside action to reduce emissions.

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  • Guillermo Montero

    Guillermo Montero

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    Guillermo Montero Project Manager


    Guillermo leads all project management activities for Undaunted. He manages key relationships and activities with the Greater London Authority and Undaunted's funders, as well as the the financial aspects of all our programmes and projects.

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