Computational Methods Hub



Research computing and data science provides essential tools, methods, and principles that underpin research in all areas of STEMM.  There is a large variation in course provision in undergraduate programs and many postgraduate students embark on their projects without the necessary computing skills. 

The Computational Methods Hub was created to facilitate scientific computing and data science education for students from Imperial CDTs via a wide array of courses and services:

  • Scientific computing and data science courses
  • Office hours or personal support on demand
  • High Performance Computing support
  • Coordination of student-led research computing skills-building activities across CDTs
  • Specialist classes from external instructors
  • Bespoke classes
  • 2-day Software Carpentry workshops


Courses & Info

Current classes and support



The Graduate School's Research Computing and Data Science Programme delivers a whole range of regular classes.  

Dedicated cohort delivery and bespoke topics can be arranged through this page.


Contact us
