The Electron Microscopy Centre' is setup for single particle analysis (SPA) and cryo-electron tomography (cryoET) for the screening of complex membrane proteins and cell membrane tissues.
Tranmission electron microscopes:-
- Glacios XFEG - high resolution screening of autogrids and data collection and can screen multiple grids atonomously (Autoloader system).
- Tecnia 12 Spirit - negative stain imaging for initial sample optimisation and new user training.
- Tecnia 12 Twin - cryoEM sample optimisation and cryoEM training.
The facility has a prep lab for sample preparation, negative staining and a Vitrobot for sample vitrification.
Please contact the Facility Manager to discuss your project and avaialble options.
Transmission Electron Microscopes in the Centre
Glacios 200kV cryo-transmission electron microscope (TEM) is our flagship high resolution autonomous data collection and screening microscope, used for structural analysis of protein complexes and cell membrane specimens. A multitude of applications and acquisition software are supported on this microscope, including the multi-grid option, allowing users to collect data from different samples in a single session. The autoloading system an automated LN2 filling supports autonomous over-night and weekend data collections.
- FALCON 4 - Direct Electron Detector
- CETA D - CMOS camera, diffraction scintilator
Energy Filter
- Selectris X
- SPA (Single particle analyses) - EPU automated data collection
- CryoET - Leginon automated data collection or Tomo 4
- MicroED - microcrystal electron diffraction
Phase Plate
- EPU2 (SPA)
- Multi-GRID
- Tomo5
- Leginon (cryoET)
- EPU-D (microED)
- Sherpa (AutoCTF)
- Maps
Autoloader (plan3) holds 12 clipped grids (autogrids)
EM Facility Manager
Paul Simpson
Contact us
- Email Paul Simpson
- Tel: + 44 (0)207 5945279
- MOBILE - 0792 3145566
- Find us
The Centre of Structural Biology (CSB)
The cross-faculty Electron Microscopy Centre is managed by the Centre of Structural Biology (CSB).