Suitable References for the µMatIC Computer Program

If you find uMatIC useful, the authors would appreciate it if you would include some of the below references in your publications as appropriate. Please cite the key papers and any of the appropriate technique / application specific papers.

Suitable References for the µMatIC Computer Program

  1. Lee, P.D., and Hunt, J.D., "A Model of the Interaction of Porosity and the Developing Microstructure", Modeling of Casting, Welding, and Advanced Solidification Processes VII, Ed. M. Cross & J. Campbell, TMS, 585-592, 1995.
  2.  Lee, P.D. and Hunt, J.D., "Hydrogen porosity in directionally solidified Aluminium-Copper alloys: A Mathematical Model", Acta Mat. 49 (8), 1383-1398, 2001. 
  3.  Wang, W., Lee, P.D. and McLean, M., "A Model Of Solidification Microstructures In Nickel Based Superalloys: Predicting Primary Dendrite Spacing Selection", Acta Mat. 51, 2971-87, 2003. 
  4. Atwood, R.C. and Lee, P.D., "Simulation of the Three Dimensional Morphology of Solidification Porosity in an Aluminium-Silicon Alloy", Acta Mat. 51 (18), 5447-5466, 2003.
  5. Yuan, L. and Lee, P. D., Numerical Simulations on Dendritic Solidification under Forced and Natural Convection for Binary Alloys: 2D vs. 3D, Modelling and Simu in Mater Sci and Eng,  vol. 18, pp. 055008,2010.
  6. Yuan, L. and Lee, P .D.,  A New mechamism for Freckle Initiation Based on Microstructural Level Simulation, Acta Mater. 60 (18), 4917-4926, 2012
  1. J. Wang, M. Li, J. Allison, and P.D. Lee. Multiscale Modeling of the Influence of Fe Content in a W319 Alloy on the Distribution of Intermetallic Phases and Micropores. in Comp. mater. design: 4th Inter. Sym. on Mult. Model. of Mater. 2008. Tallahassee, FL, USA.
  2. Wang, JS, Lee, PD, Hamilton, RW, Li, M, Allison, J, "The Kinetics of Fe-Rich Intermetallic Formation in Aluminium Alloys: In-Situ Observation", Scripta Mat., 60 (7), (2009) 516-9.
  1. Yuan, L. and Lee, P. D. Numerical Simulations on Dendritic Solidification under Forced and Natural Convection for Binary Alloys: 2D vs. 3D, Modelling and Simu in Mater Sci and Eng,  vol. 18, pp. 055008,2010. 
  2. Yuan, L., Lee, P.D., Djambazov, G., Pericleous, K. "Multiscale Modeling Of The Vacuum Arc Remelting Process For The Prediction On Microstructure Formation", J. Mod. Phy. B, Vol. 23, Nos. 6 & 7 (20 March 2009)
  3. Yuan, L., Lee, P.D., Djambazov, G., Pericleous, K. "Numerical simulation of the effect of fluid flow on solute distribution and dendritic morphology", Int. J. Cast Metal. Res., Vol. 22(1-4): 204-207, 2009. DOI 10.1179/136404609X368136


  1. Lee, P.D., Atwood, R.C., Dashwood, R.J. and Nagaumi, H., "Modeling of Porosity Formation in Direct Chill Cast Aluminum-Magnesium Alloys", Mat. Sci. and Eng. A, 328 (1-2), 213-222, 2002.
  2. Atwood, R.C. and Lee, P.D. "A Three Phase Model of Hydrogen Pore Formation During the Equiaxed Dendritic Solidification of Aluminum-Silicon Alloys", Met. Trans. B, 33 (2), 209-221, 2002.
  3. J.S. Wang and P.D. Lee, Simulating tortuous 3D morphology of microporosity formed during solidification of AlSiCu alloys. Int. J. Cast. Metals Res., 2007. 20: p. 151-158. 

    Columnar to Equiaxed Transition (CET)
  4. Dong, H.B. and Lee, P.D., "Simulation of the Columnar-to-Equiaxed Transition in Directionally Solidified Al-Cu Alloys", Acta Mat. 53 (3), 659-668, 2005.

    Superalloy blades
  5.  Yang, X.L., Dong, H.B., Wang, W. and Lee, P.D., "Microscale Simulation of Stray Grain Formation in Investment Cast Turbine Blades", Mat. Sci. and Eng. A, 386 (1-2), 129-139. 2004.
  6. Yang, X.L., Ness, D., Lee, P.D., D'Souza, N., "Simulation of Stray Grain Formation during Single Crystal Seed Melt-back and Initial Withdrawal in the Ni-Base Superalloy, CMSX4", MSE-A, 571-577, 2005.

    Vacuum arc remelting
  7. Xu, X., Zhang, W. and Lee, P.D. "Tree-Ring Formation during Vacuum Arc Remelting of INCONEL 718: Part II. Mathematical Modeling", Met. Trans. A, 33A (6), 1805-1815, 2002. 
  8. Yuan, L., Lee, P.D., Djambazov, G., Pericleous, K. "Multiscale Modeling Of The Vacuum Arc Remelting Process For The Prediction On Microstructure Formation", J. Mod. Phy. B, Vol. 23, Nos. 6 & 7 (20 March 2009)

    Titanium Dental Materials
  9.  Atwood, R.C., Lee, P.D., and Curtis, R.V., "Modeling the surface layer of dental titanium investment castings", Dental Materials 21 (2), 178-186, 2005.
  10.  Atwood, R.C., Lee, P.D., Curtis, R.V., L. Di Silvio, "Multiscale Modeling of Titanium Investment Cast Dental Prostheses", Mat. Sci. Eng. C, 21 (2), 178-186, 2005.
  11.  Atwood, R.C., Lee, P.D., Curtis, R.V., Maijer, D.M., "Modeling an investment cast titanium crown", Dental Materials, 23 (1), 60-70, 2007.
  1. Lee, P.D., Chirazi, A., Atwood, R.C. and Wang, W., "Multiscale modelling of solidification microstructures, including microsegregation and microporosity, in an Al-Si-Cu alloy", Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 365 (1-2), 57-65, 2004.
  2. Tin, S. Lee, P.D., Kermanpur, A., Rist, M., and McLean, M., "Integrated Modeling for the Manufacture of Ni-Based Superalloy Discs from Solidification to Final Heat Treatment", Met. Trans. A., 36 (9), 2493-2504, 2005.
  3. Maijer, D.M., Gao, Y., Lee, P.D., Lindley, T.C. and Fukui, T., "A Through Process Model of an A356 Brake Caliper for Fatigue Life Prediction", Met. Trans. A, 35 (10), 3275-3288, 2004.
  1. Lee, P.D. and Hunt, J.D., "Hydrogen Porosity in Directionally Solidified Aluminium-Copper Alloys: In-Situ Observation", Acta Mat. 45 (10), 4155-4169, 1997. *
  2. Lee, P.D. and Hunt, J.D., "Measuring the Nucleation of Hydrogen Porosity During the Solidification of Aluminium-Copper Alloys", Scripta Mat. 36 (4), 399-404, 1997.
  3. Atwood, R.C., Sridhar, S. and Lee, P.D., "Rate Equations For Nucleation Of Hydrogen Gas Pores During Solidification of Aluminium-7%-Silicon Alloy", Scripta Mat. 41 (12), 1255-1259, 19 99.
  1. Lee, P.D., See, D. and Chirazi, A., "Modeling Microporosity in Aluminum-Silicon Alloys : a Review", J. Light Metals 1 (1), 15-30, 2000.