The Fluids CDT is offering 2 additional funded studentships to start in October 2017.  The projects listed below are in collaboration with 2 of the CDT's industrial partners, so instead of choosing an MRes - and subsequently a PhD project - during the first year of study, the successful candidates will work on their chosen industrial project.  Students will still be expected to complete the MRes in Fluid Dyanmics as part of the first year of the CDT programme.

Students must be from the UK or meet EPSRC's residency requirements in order to be eligible to apply.

To express your interest, please send a CV, personal statement (maximum 2 pages) and the names of 2 referees to the CDT Administrator.  Please state which project you would like to apply for.

1. Upscaling Polymer Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes

Supervisors: Prof Ann Muggeridge, Dept. of Earth Science & Engineering, Imperial College London and

Marie Ann Giddins, Schlumberger Abingdon Technology Center

Click here to download the project details.

2. Simulation of Complex Three-Dimensional Vortex Interactions using High-Order Computational Fluid Dynamics

 Supervisors: Dr Peter Vincent, Dept. of Aeronautics, Imperial College London and

Nigel Taylor, MBDA-Systems

Click here to download the project details.

Contact us

CDT Administrator
Miss Clodagh Li



The CDT is unfortunately no longer recruiting students to the programme