The EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Fluid Dynamics at the University of Leeds and Imperial College London have joined forces to organise what we plan to be a new annual UK Fluids Conference. Our primary intention is to encourage greater cohesion and interaction amongst the fluids communities in the UK and to be of benefit, in particular, to PhD students.
Download the 2016 conference booklet.
The members of the Organising Committee are:
- Professor Peter Jimack, CDT Director and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Leeds
- Professor Christos Vassilicos, CDT Director, Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London
- Professor Chris Jones, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Leeds
- Professor Cath Noakes, School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds
- Dr Andrew Ross, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds
- Professor Omar Matar, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London
- Professor Peter Schmid, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London
- Professor Berend van Wachem, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London

The conference is a joint collaboration and will be subsidised by the EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training in Fluids Dynamics at Imperial College London and the University of Leeds.
Dates: 7 - 9 September 2016
Venue: Sir Alexander Fleming Building, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus
NEW: Lunch reception, Friday 9 September, to launch UK Fluids Network.
All welcome. Further information from Nick Daish

Four Plenary Speakers:
- Prof Janet Barlow, University of Reading - The fluid dynamics of urban meteorology
- Prof Oliver Jensen, University of Manchester - Grow with the flow: applications of viscoplasticity
- Prof Neil Sandham, University of Southampton - Compressibility and pressure fluctuations in turbulent flows
- Prof Andy Woods, BP Institute, University of Cambridge - Ash flows, turbidites and blowouts: multiphase buoyancy-driven flows
Registration rates

Registration rates include refreshments on Wednesday to Friday and lunch & dinner on Thursday:
- Early bird Student rate £50 (until 17 June)
- Early bird Standard rate £150 (until 17 June)
- Student rate £100 (from 18 June)
- Standard rate £200 (from 18 June)
Registration is now closed

- It is no longer possible to submit an abstract for either an oral or a poster presentation
- All abstracts will be available in the conference booklet
Accommodation and timeline

- Book your accommodation on 7 & 8 September using promotional code FLUIDS2016
- En-suite single rooms are available at Prince's Gardens at £93 per room per night
- Single standard rooms are available at Beit Hall at £78 per room per night

- Abstract submission: 25 April
- Notification of abstract acceptance: 31 May
- Early bird registration deadline: 17 June
- Final registration deadline: 1 September
Images 2 & 3 used with kind permission by Radu Cimpeanu.