On 18 July 2024 we held our latest VIP in-person debate around the future of biodiversity, focusing how to improve the effectiveness of international treaties and targets. 

Key policymakers and scientists were brought together to discuss ways to ensure research is focused on finding solutions to real world challenges in uncertain times.

Georgina Mace Centre Debate 2024 - recording

Georgina Mace Centre 2024 Debate.

At COP28, the latest Conference of Parties from the CBD, the UK, together with the rest of world’s nations, agreed the ambitious goal to designate 30% of Earth's land and ocean area as protected areas by 2030 – so-called ’30 by 30’ worldwide initiative. Watch the video of our 2024 debate as scientists and policymakers discuss how treaties and targets can be effectively planned for and reached. 

Georgina Mace Centre Debate 2024

Georgina Mace Centre Debate 2024

Georgina Mace Centre Debate 2024

Georgina Mace Centre Debate 2024

Georgina Mace Centre Debate 2024

Georgina Mace Centre Debate 2024

Georgina Mace Centre Debate 2024

Georgina Mace Centre Debate 2024

Georgina Mace Centre Debate 2024