Geotechnical Research
Academic and research staff research interests
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Richard JardineProfessor of Geomechanics, FREng, MSc, DIC, PhD, FICE, FCGISoil mechanics; Constitutive behaviour; Laboratory and field experiments; Instrumentation; Geotechnical design; Soft Ground engineering; Deep foundations; Offshore geotechnics; Geohazards; Cold region geotechnics. |
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James LawrenceReader in Geological Engineering, PhDUndergraduate Year 1 Coordinator Upper cretaceous carbonates (Chalk); Geological disposal of radioactive waste; Geomechanics; Structural geology; Petroleum reservoir characterisation; Modelling slope instability; Coastal recession related to the impact of climate change and weathering of rock. |
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Truong LeLecturer, PhDSoil properties, advanced laboratory testing, soil characterisation, soft and stiff clayey soils, geotechnical instrumentation. Email Truong |
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Catherine O'SullivanProfessor of Particulate Soil Mechanics, PhD, MIEIHead of Geotechnics Section Discrete element modelling; Particulate soil mechanics; Micro-computed tomography; Internal erosion; Stress wave propagation; Cyclic soil response; Validation of discrete element models (DEM). |
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Dave PottsGCG Professor of Geotechnical Engineering, PhD, FREng, CEng, FICEApplication of FEM to geotechnical problems; Geotechnical numerical analysis; Constitutive modelling; Soil-structure interaction. |
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David Solans RoaTeaching Fellow in Geotechnics, PhDNumerical modelling of geotechnical infrastructure under static and seismic loading conditions. |
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Jamie StandingProfessor of Ground Engineering, PhD, CEng, MICEChair of the Undergraduate Exam Board Soil-structure interaction; Tunnelling and deep excavations; Field monitoring; Piles; Model testing; Partly saturated soils and residual soils. |
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David TabordaReader in Geomechanical Modelling, DIC, PhDDepartment ICT Representative Director of PhD programme Computational geomechanics; Constitutive modelling of soils; Soil dynamics; Cyclic soil behaviour; Soil-Structure interaction; Geothermal energy systems; Thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of soils; Optimisation algorithms. |
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Katerina TsiampousiSenior Lecturer, PhDDirector of the MSc Programme in Civil and Environmental Engineering THM modelling of geo-materials; Behaviour of partially saturated media in deep nuclear repositories; Reliability and risk of geotechnical structures (excavations, tunnels, slopes, foundations); Behaviour of railway embankments under seasonal changes in suction. |
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Ken VinckLecturer in Geotechnics, MSc, DIC, PhDDirector of MSc in Soil Mechanics Advanced laboratory testing and field experiments, Soil and Site characterisation; Offshore geotechnics; Hydraulic fill; Soil improvement; Planetary geotechnics; Carbonate soils. |
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Lidija ZdravkovicProfessor of Computational Geomechanics, DIC, PhDDevelopment and application of FEM in geotechnical engineering; Constitutive modelling; Unsaturated soils; THM modelling of geomaterials; Soil-structure interaction; Laboratory testing of soils. |
Geotechnics Academics A-Z |
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Stewart AgarResearch AssistantRemote sensing and analysis of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Email Stewart |
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Anthony CarpenterResearch AssistantStructural Analysis with Radar Remote Sensing (StARRS), including the development of machine learning techniques for a ground-based Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) system. Email Anthony |
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Ritesh KumarMarie Curie Research FellowDevelopment of design guidelines for Offshore Wind Turbines under extreme operational conditions. Email Ritesh |
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Ryan Yin Wai LiuResearch Associate, PhDEmail Ryan |
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Julia Katharina MöllerResearch Associate, PhDDevelopment of an energy-based constitutive model for sands subjected to cyclic loading Email Julia |
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Fernando Patino-RamirezResearch Associate, PhDDevelopment of a burrowing robot capable of measuring the mechanical and chemical properties of the surrounding soil Email Fernando |
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Agustin Ruiz LopezResearch Associate, PhD |
Geotechnics Research Staff A-Z |
An overview of our research outputs and measures of esteem
- Award Winning Research Papers and Research Awards
- Funded Research Projects
- Invited Prestige Lectures
- Recorded lectures
- Spin out company
ICE Hislop Award 2021- Buckley, R.M., Jardine, R.J., Kontoe, S., Barbosa, P. and Schroeder, F.C. (2020). Full-scale observations of dynamic and static axial responses of offshore piles driven in chalk and tills. Geotechnique. 70 (8), pp. 657-681.
BGA Prize 2020- Byrne, B.W., Houlsby, G.T., Burd, H.J., Gavin, K.G., Igoe, D.J.P., Jardine, R.J., Martin, C.M., McAdam, R.A., Potts, D.M., Taborda, D.M.G. and Zdravkovic, L. (2020). PISA design model for monopiles for offshore wind turbines: Application to a stiff glacial clay till. Géotechnique, 70 (11), pp 1030-1047.
2020 Telford Gold Medal + BGA Medal (2020) - Best paper overall: This medal was awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers for the paper "Pore water pressure and total horizontal stress response to EPBM tunnelling in London Clay" authored by M. S. P. Wan, J. R. Standing, D. M. Potts, J. B. Burland Géotechnique (2019):
Canadian Geotechnical Journal Quigley (Best Paper) Award 2019- Guo, L., Cai, Y. Q., Jardine, R.J., Yang, Z.X. and Wang, J. (2018) Undrained behaviour of intact soft clay under cyclic paths that match vehicle loading conditions. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 55(1): 90–106
2019 David Hislop Award: The David Hislop Award (also known as the Offshore award) for best paper on offshore matters was awareded to Ageing and cyclic behaviour of axially loaded piles driven in chalk; R. M. Buckley, R. J. Jardine, S. Kontoe, D. Parker and F. C. Schroeder: Géotechnique (2018):
2019 R. M. Quigley Award: This award is given to the best paper published in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal in the preceding year.“Undrained behaviour of intact soft clay under cyclic paths that match vehicle loading conditions” (Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2018, 55(1): 90-106,
2018 Soils and Foundations Best Paper Award: This was awarded in May 2019 for Experimental and DEM assessment of the stress-dependency of surface roughness effects on shear modulus Otsubo, M. and O'Sullivan, C. Soils and Foundations. Volume 58, Issue 3, June 2018, Pages 602-614 :
2018 Telford Gold Medal: Wan, M.S.P., Standing, J.R., Potts, D.M. and Burland, J.B. (2017). Measured short-term subsurface ground displacements from EPBM tunnelling in London Clay. Géotechnique, Vol. 67, No. 9, pp. 748-779.
2017 Soils and Foundations Best Paper Award: HF Taylor, C O'Sullivan, WW Sim, SJ Carr (2017) Sub-particle-scale investigation of seepage in sands Soils and Foundations 57 (3), 439-452
Canadian Geotechnical Journal Editor's Choice recognition: A paper co-authored by Prof. Richard Jardine has been selected as one of the “Editor’s Choice” papers for 2018 by the Canadian Geotechnical Journal in recognition of its high caliber and topical importance. The paper authored by Cai et al. (2018) is entitled "Undrained behaviour of intact soft clay under cyclic paths that match vehicle loading conditions". doi:10.1139/cgj-2016-0636 (Spiral
2017 BGA Fleming Award
The PISA Project was awarded the BGA Fleming Award in Dec. 2017.
2016 Geotechnical Research Medal
Avgerinos, V. Potts D. M. & Standing, J. R. (2016) The use of kinematic hardening models for predicting tunnelling-induced ground movements in London Clay Géotechnique 66(2) 106-120
2013 Outstanding Paper International Journal of Geo-Engineering Case Histories
Burland, J.B., Jamiolkowski, M.B., Viggiani, C. (2012) Leaning Tower of Pisa: Behaviour after Stabilization Operation International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories Vol. 1, No. 3, Paper # IJGCH_1_3_2
2012 Geotechnical Research Medal
Puzrin, A.M, Burland, J.B., Standing, J. R. (2012) Simple approach to predicting ground displacements caused by tunnelling in undrained anisotropic elastic soil Géotechnique 62(4), 341 –352
2012 BGA Medal
Potts D. M. & Zdravkovic L. (2012), Accounting for partial material factors in numerical analysis Geotechnique 62 (12): 1053-1065.
2010 Manby Prize
S. Nishimura, C. J. Martin, R. J. Jardine and C. H. Fenton (2009) A new approach for assessing geothermal response to climate change in permafrost regions Geotechnique 59(12): 213-227
2010 BGA Medal
Potts, V. J. and Zdravkovic, L. (2010) Finite-element study of arching behaviour in reinforced fills Proc. ICE - Ground Improvement 163, Issue GI4, 217–229
2008 BGA medal
Kontoe S, Zdravkovic L, Potts DM, Menkiti C.O. (2008) Case study on seismic tunnel response, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2008, Vol:45, Pages:1743-1764.
2008 ICE Geotechnical Research Medal
Hight, D.W., Gasparre, A., Nishimura, S., Anh-Minh, N., Jardine, R.J. & Coop, M.R. (2007) Characteristics of the London clay from the Terminal 5 site at Heathrow Airport. Symposium in Print on Stiff Sedimentary Clays Geotechnique, 57(2), pp 3-18.
2008 ICE Bill Curtin Medal for innovation
Bourne-Webb P.J., Potts D.M. & Rowbottom D.(2007) Plastic bending of steel sheet piles, Geotechnical Engineering 160, Issue GE3, 2007, 129-140.
2008 IACMAG Outstanding Contributions Award
Awarded to Prof. David Potts for contributions throughout his career by the Int. Assoc. for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics.
EPSRC Grants
(2019-2022) ALPACA Plus, R.J. Jardine (PI), S. Kontoe (Co-I) - Multiple Industrial Grants plus EPSRC through ORE Supergen
(2019- 2021) ALPHA, S. Kontoe (PI), R.J. Jardine (PI), L. Zdravkovic (Co-I) – EPSRC through ORE Supergen
(2017-2021) Advanced Newton Fellowship, R.J Jardine (PI) – Royal Society
(2021-2024) Sustainable, Flexible and Efficient Ground-source heating and cooling systems (SaFEGround) D. Taborda (PI)
(2017-2021) Climate Adaptation Control Technologies for Urban Spaces (CACTUS) D. Potts, L.Zdravkovic, K.Tsiampousi
(2017-2019) ALPACA: Axial-Lateral Chalk Analysis for Piles Applying multi-scale field and laboratory testing R. Jardine (PI) S. Kontoe (CI)
(2017-2020) Particle-scale investigation of seepage induced geotechnical instabilities. C. O'Sullivan (PI)
(2015-2016) Effect of time on the evolution of soil behaviour: new advanced triaxial creep cell experimentsW.W. Sim (PI)
(2010-2014) Assessing ground interaction effects and potential damage on existing tunnels before and after new excavation works JR Standing (PI), J. Burland (CI), D.M. Potts (CI), R. Vollum (CI) Link to project website.
(2009-2013) Micromechanics of seismic wave propagation in granular materials C. O'Sullivan (PI), P. Kelly (CI)
(2007-2010) The Properties and Structure of British Stiff Clays and Mudrocks R. Jardine (PI), C. Fenton (CI), M. Coop
(2006-2011) Platform Grant for Laboratory Soil Mechanics Research R. Jardine (PI), D.M. Potts (CI), M. Coop
(2006-2009) Using blinding as struts in cut and cover excavations R. Vollum (PI), B. Izzuddin (CI), D.M. Potts (CI)
NERC Grants
(2020-2023) Rapid deployment of multi-functional modular sensing systems in the soil C. O'Sullivan (PI)
Horizon 2020
(2019-2022) MATHEGRAM Marie Curie ITN (led by the University of Surrey) C. O'Sullivan, D. Taborda
(2017-2021) BEACON (Bentonite Mechanical Evolution Prof. Lidija Zdravkovic, Prof. David Potts, Dr. Aikaterini Tsiampousi, Dr. Jamie Standing
Institution of Civil Engineers
2021 Ground and existing tunnel response to building demolition, excavation and new construction. J. Standing (PI)
Leverhulme Trust
2017-2021 Fundamental analysis of the influence of structure on clay behaviour C. O'Sullivan (PI)
2023 International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, McClelland Lecture
Prof. R.J Jardine
2016 Milligan Lecture, Kingston, Canada
Prof. Richard Jardine
2016 ASCE Lovell Lecture, Purdue, USA
Prof. Richard Jardine
2016 Wissa Lecture, Tampa, USA
Prof. Richard Jardine
2016 British Geotechnical Association Rankine Lecture, London
Prof. Richard Jardine
2015 British Geotechnical Association Géotechnique Lecture, London
Dr. Catherine O'Sullivan
2014 17th Sowers Lecture, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Prof. Richard Jardine
2013 British Geotechnical Association Géotechnique Lecture, London
Prof. Lidija Zdravkovic
2013 Bishop Lecture - International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris
Prof. Richard Jardine
2012 The Lymon C. Reese Distinguished Lecture at University of Texas, Austin
Prof. John Burland
2012 The Jennings Memorial Lecture tour, South Africa
Prof. John Burland
2012 Zeevarat Lecture, Mexico
Prof. David Potts 2011
28th Manuel Rocha Lecture, Lisbon, 2011
Prof. John Burland
2010 Liddiard Lecture of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
Prof. John Burland
2009 British Geotechnical Association Géotechnique Lecture, London
Dr. Jamie Standing
2008 7th Lovell Lecture, USA
Prof. David Potts
2008 Sixth Athenian Geotechnical Lecture, Athens
Prof. John Burland
Members of staff in the section are often invited to deliver invited lectures, some of which are recorded for subsequent broadcasting. Links to these lectures are given here:
On March 11 2021 Prof. Catherine O'Sullivan presented a Granular Matter Webinar: Polydispersity – implications for granular material behaviour and modelling challenges
On Feb 20 2021 Prof. Catherine O'Sullivan presented her inaugural lecture: Engineering sand: From the micro- to the macro-scale
On March 16 2016 Prof. Richard Jardine delivered the BGA Rankine lecture Energy & Geotechnics
On Nov 17 2015 Prof. Catherine O'Sullivan delivered the BGA Géotechnique lecture "A Particulate Perspective on Soil Mechanics"
On June 25 2015 Prof. Lidija Zdravkovic delivered her inaugural lecture "Advanced geomechanics: hot, dehydrated and shaken"
Expedition Workshed have recorded Prof. Burland giving an Introduction to Soil Mechanics.
On 19th February Prof. Burland spoke at a BGA Young Career Group Meeting: The title was "Good practice for young geo-engineers: Boots, computers and engineering judgement." The recording is available here.
On 13th November Prof. Lidija Zdravkovic delivered the BGA Geotechnique Lecture Dr Lidija Zdravkovic. The title was: Geotechnical numerical analysis: a road map. The recording is available here.
Professor Sir Alec Skempton’s 80th birthday lecture at the ICE, on his prize winning 1994 Thames Tunnel Geotechnique paper here.
Geotechnical Observations
A company formed by Professor Vaughan and Doctors Dineen and Ridley, previous members of the academic staff here, specialising in the measurement and monitoring of soil suctions using the Imperial College Suction Probe.
Completed PhD Research
- PhD Theses 1948-1959
- PhD Theses 1960-1969
- PhD Theses 1970-1979
- PhD Theses 1980-1989
- PhD Theses 1990-1999
- PhD Theses 2000-2009
- PhD Theses 2010-2019
- PhD Theses 2020-2023
Name | Title |
Kolbuszewski, JJ | Research on packing and density of sands |
Name | Title |
Hafiz, MA | Shear strength of sands and gravels |
Northey, RD | An experimental study of the structural sensitivity of clays |
Yassin, A | Model studies on the bearing capacities of piles |
Name | Title |
Eldin, AKG | Fundamental factors controlling shear properties of sands |
Name | Title |
Bishop, AW | The stability of earth dams |
Gibson, RE | An investigation of the fundamental shear strength characteristics of clays |
Name | Title |
El Ramli, AR | Shear strength of compacted materials |
Gilbert, GD | The basic shear strength properties of weald clay |
Name | Title |
Macdonald, DH | The settlement of buildings |
Name | Title |
De Lory, FA | Long-term stability of slopes in over-consolidated clays |
Fraser, AM | The influence of stress ratio on compressibility and pore pressure coefficients in compacted soils |
Parry, RHG | Strength and deformation of clays |
Name | Title |
Henkel, DJ | The correlation between deformations, pore water pressure and strength characteristics of saturated clays |
Wood, CC | Shear strength and volume characteristics of compacted soil under conditions of plane strain |
Name | Title |
Alpan, I | A Study of the principle of effective stress in partly saturated soils |
Ambraseys, NN | The seismic stability of earth dams |
Name | Title |
La Rochelle, P | The short term stability of slopes in London clay |
Name | Title |
Blight, GE | Strength and consolidation characteristics of compacted soils |
Cornforth, DH | Plane strain failure characteristics of saturated sand |
Donald, IB | The mechanical properties of saturated and partly saturated soils with special reference to negative pore water pressures |
Name | Title |
El-Dujaila, AM | The effect of free-surface percolation of misalignment of horizontal line sinks |
Matyas, EL | Compressibility and shear strength of compacted soils |
Sowa, VA | A comparison of the effects of isotropic and anisotropic consolidation on the shear behaviour of clay |
Wade, NH | Plane strain failure characteristics of a saturated clay |
Name | Title |
Morgenstern, NR | The limit equilibrium method of slope stability analysis |
Walker, BP | Experiments on model pile foundations in sands |
Name | Title |
Lee, CM | The geotechnical properties of a decomposed granite |
Vaughan, PR | Field measurements in earth dams |
Name | Title |
Petley, DJ | The shear strength of soils at large strains |
Webb, DL | The mechanical properties of undisturbed samples of London clay and Pierre shale |
Name | Title |
Agarwal, KB | The influence of size and orientation of sample on the undrained strength of London clay |
Al-Dhahir, ZA | Correlation between field and laboratory measurements in earth dams |
Tchalenko, JS | The influence of shear and consolidation on the microscopic structure of some clays |
Name | Title |
Phukan, AIT | Non-linear deformation of rocks |
Sarma, Sarada SK | Response characteristics and stability of earth dams during earthquakes |
Som, NN | The effect of stress path on the deformation and consolidation of London clay |
Tan, SB | Consolidation of soft clays with special reference to sand drains |
Name | Title |
Green, GE | Strength and compressibility of granular materials under generalised stress-strain conditions |
Kumpaley, NK | Triaxial tests on clays and silts at elevated cell pressures |
Lovenbury, HT | Creep characterstics of London clay |
Pigeon, Y | The compressibility of rockfill |
Tombs, SG | Strength and deformation characteristics of rockfill |
Name | Title |
Garga, VK | Residual shear strength under large strains and the effect of sample size on the consolidation of fissured clay |
James, PM | Time effects and progressive failure in clays slopes |
Name | Title |
Bhandari, R | Mudflows in stiff-fissured clays |
Laing, JM | A finite element for investigating cracking in embankment dams |
Papastamatiou, DJ | Ground motions and response of earth structures subject to strong earthquakes |
Pyrah, Ian IC | The calculation of deformations in earth structures using numerical methods |
Name | Title |
Reades, Dennys DW | Stress-strain characteristics of a sand under three-dimensional loading |
Sha’al, Ben Zion | The behaviour of cohesionless soils in simple shear under triaxial cyclic loading |
Name | Title |
Atkinson, John H | The deformation of undisturbed London clay |
Ghaderi-Tafreshi, Mohammed Mehdi | Earthquake resistant design of reinforced concrete columns |
Name | Title |
Gostelow, TP | Slope development in stiff over-consolidated clays |
Werneck, Mauro Lucio Guedes | Field observations of the behaviour of the Upper Lias clay at the Empingham dam site |
Name | Title |
Davies, Peter | Creep characteristics of three undisturbed clays |
El-Ruwayih, Ayad Ali | Stress-strain characteristics of rockfill, and of clays under high pore water tension |
SKinner, Angus E | The effect of high pore water pressures on the mechanical behaviour of sediments |
Wesley Laurence Daniel | Influence of stress path and anisotropy on the behaviour of soft alluvial clay |
Name | Title |
Ergun, Mehmet Ufuk | Study of the generalised strength characteristics of granular soils in a three-dimensional apparatus |
Hamza, Mamdouh | The analysis of embankment dams by non-linear finite element method |
Lopez-Valadez, Gerardo Antonio | Response of soil deposits to earthquakes : a time history approach |
Maguire, William Malachy | The undrained strength and stress-strain behaviour of brecciated upper lias clay |
Sharma, Yogendra Kumar | Particulate mechanics of granular soils |
Walbancke, Jane | Pore pressures in clay embankments |
Name | Title |
Apted, James Peter | Effects of weathering on some geotechnical properties of London clay |
Sandroni, Sandro Salvador | The strength of London clay in total and effective stress terms |
Truscott, Edward Glen | Behaviour of embankment dams |
Name | Title |
Buri, Prasarn Bhiraj | Influence of secondary consolidation and over-consolidation on the behaviour of soft alluvial clay |
Daramola, Obisesan | The influence of stress history on the deformation of sand |
Davachi, Mir-Mohammad | Finite element analysis of footings and embankment dam cores |
Mardiross, Edward | Response of soil deposition the deformable bed-rock during earthquakes and the consequent pore-water pressure dissipation |
Pugh, Richard Stewart | The strength and deformation characteristics of a soft alluvial clay under full scale loading conditions |
Name | Title |
El-Ghamrawy, Moustafa Kamel Ali Kamel | A sandy-clay till – some properties measured during consolidation and shear |
Lopes, Francisco de Rezende | The undrained bearing capacity of piles and plates studied by the finite element method |
Rocha Filho, Pedricto | Behaviour in cone penetration tests in saturated sands |
Name | Title |
Costa Filho, Leandro De Moura | A laboratory investigation of the small strain behaviour of London clay |
Eetamaadi-Idaahi, M | Foundation effects in free field ground motions |
Martins, Manuel Carlos Reis | Large model footing tests on a sandy clay till |
Name | Title |
Egeli, Isfendiyar | Pore pressures and volume changes in undrained saturated clays |
Lupini, Juan Francisco | The residual strength of cohesive soil |
Takahashi, Masakazu | Transient and cyclic behaviour of a sandy clay |
Name | Title |
Gens, Antonio | Stress-strain and strength characteristics of a low plasticity clay |
Tsatsanifos, Christos | Effective stress method for dynamic response analysis of horizontally layered soils |
Name | Title |
Hight, David W | Laboratory investigations of sea bed clays |
Martins, John Paul | Shaft resistance of axially loaded piles in clay |
Symes, Matthew JPR | Rotation of principal stresses in sand |
Name | Title |
Chandler, Martin Philip | The coastal landslides forming the undercliff of the Isle of Wight |
De Campos, Tacio MP | Two low plasticity clays under montonic and cyclic loading |
Fourie, Andy B | The behaviour of retaining walls in stiff clay |
Name | Title |
Jardine, Richard J | Investigations of pile-soil behaviour with special reference to the foundations of off-shore structures |
Maswoswe, Justice | Stress paths for a compacted soil during collapse due to wetting |
Shibuya, Satoru | Undrained behaviour of granular materials under principal stress rotation |
Ziolkowski, Jose Carlos | Numerical study of strain rate effects on stress-strain response of soils |
Name | Title |
Leal Lemos, Luís Joaquim | The effect of rate on the residual strength of soil |
Menu, JMH | Engineering studies of near-field earthquake ground motions |
Ovando-Shelley, Efrain | Stress-strain behaviour of granular soils tested in the triaxial apparatus |
Name | Title |
Dounias, George | Progressive failure in embankment dams |
Maccarini, Marciano | Laboratory studies of a weakly bonded artificial soil |
Name | Title |
Georgiannou, Vassiliki N | The behaviour of clayey sands under monotonic and cyclic loading |
Haeri, Seyed Mohsen | Response of earth and rockfill dams including dam foundation interaction effects |
Schreiner, Deneys H | Volume changes of compacted and highly plastic African clays |
Toll, David G | The behaviour of unsaturated compacted naturally occurring gravel |
Name | Title |
Bond, Andrew J | Behaviour of displacement piles in overconsolidated clays |
Hellings, Jan E | The strength and stiffness of soils associated with excavations |
Nyaro, Dalmas L | Finite element analysis of soil-structure interaction |
Tika, Theodora | The effect of rate of shear on the residual strength of soil |
Name | Title |
Bressani, Luis A | Experimental properties of bonded soils |
Day, Rob A | Finite element analysis of sheet-pile retaining walls |
French, David J | Investigation of a novel pile and anchorage system |
Mahmoud, Mahmoud | Aspects of the measurement of soil strength using rotating shear devices, with particular reference to the vane test |
Name | Title |
Bommer, Julian J | The design and engineering application of an earthquake strong motion database |
Name | Title |
Lehane, Barry H | Investigations of pile behaviour using instrumented field piles |
Smith, Philip R | The behaviour of natural high compressibility clays with special reference to construction on soft ground |
Name | Title |
Ridley, Andrew M | The measurement of soil moisture suction |
Name | Title |
Ganendra, Dennis | Finite element analysis of laterally loaded piles |
Kovacevic, Nebojsa Nesha | Numerical analyses of rockfill dams, cut slopes and road embankments |
Mahabadi, SG | Finite element analysis of earth dam layer systems subjected to strong earthquakes including radiation damping |
Marinho, Fernando AM | Shrinkage behaviour of some plastic soils |
Menkiti, Chris O | Behaviour of clay and clayey sand with particular reference to principal stress rotation |
Sodeify, K | Modelling for response analysis of earth dams subjected to travelling surface waves |
Name | Title |
Parathiras, Achilleas N | Displacement rate effects on residual strength of soils |
Porovic, Esad | Investigation of soil behaviour using a resonant column torsional shear hollow cylinder apparatus |
Skempas, Marinos | Dam abutment stability with particular reference to the Thisavros Dam |
Srbulov, Milutin | The prediction of ground sliding induced by strong earthquakes |
Name | Title |
Addenbrooke, Trevor I | Numerical analysis of tunnelling in stiff clay |
Barakat, MA | Measurements of ground settlement and building deformation due to tunnelling |
Cottechia, Federica | The effects of structure on the properties of an Italian Pleistocene clay |
Free, Matthew W | The attenuation of earthquake strong-motion in intraplate regions |
Passas, N | Petrophysical studies of penrith sandstone pertinent to its behaviour in extension |
Simpson, KA | Attenuation of strong ground motions incorporating near surface foundation conditions |
Zdravkovic, Lidija | Stress-strain-strength anisotropy of a granular medium under general stress |
Name | Title |
Al-Derbi, MS | Evidence for the constant nature of tensile strength in Sadus limestone, Saudi Arabia |
Chen, Yung Chieh | Seismic bearing capacity of shallow and deep strip foundations |
Chow, Fiona | Investigations into the behaviour of displacement piles for offshore foundations |
Dineen, Kieran | The influence of soil suction on compressibility and swelling |
Standing, Jamie R | Studies of the interface resistance of soil nails |
Yeo, LW | Anisotropic hydraulic properties of a rock fracture under normal shear loading |
Name | Title |
Nyren, Rob | Field measurements above twin tunnels in London clay |
Zolfaghani, Mohammad R | GIS based seismic hazard assessment for Iran |
Name | Title |
England, Melvin | A pile behaviour model |
Kuwano, Reiko | The stiffness and yielding anisotropy of sand |
Martinez, A | The characterisation of near-field earthquake ground motions for engineering design |
Name | Title |
Cunningham, Mark | The mechanical behaviour of a reconstituted, unsaturated soil |
Scott, S | Definition of hazard-consistent earthquake ground-motions for engineering design and analysis |
Sharif, Ather Khaja | Dynamic performance investigation of base isolated structures |
Shin, Jeong Han | Numerical analysis of tunnelling in decomposed granite soil |
Name | Title |
Colmenares-Montañez, Julio Esteban | Suction and volume changes of compacted sand-bentonite mixtures |
Douglas, John | A critical reappraisal of some problems in engineering seismology |
Rodriguez Pineda, Carlos Eduardo | Hazard assessment of earthquake-induced landslides on natural slopes |
Name | Title |
Hamm, T | The response of a porous stone to water vapour |
Pellew, Adam | Field investigations into pile behaviour in clay |
Saldivar Moguel, Emilio | Investigation into the behaviour of displacements piles under cyclic and seismic loads |
Name | Title |
Franzius, Jan | Behaviour of buildings due to tunnel induced subsidence |
Georgiadis, Konstantinos | Development, implementation and application of partially saturated soil models in finite element analysis |
Hardy, Stuart | The implementation and application of dynamic finite element analysis to geotechnical problems |
Nyambayo, Vincent P | Numerical analysis of evapotranspiration and its influence on embankments |
Roberts, JM | Creep and soil structure interaction of integral bridges |
Rolo, Reinaldo | The anisotropic stress-strain-strength behaviour of brittle sediments |
Schroeder, Felix | The influence of bored piles on existing tunnels |
Smith, Phil GC | Numerical analysis of infiltration into partially saturated soil slopes |
Name | Title |
Bourne-Webb, Peter | Ultimate limit state analysis for embedded retaining walls |
Grammatikopoulou, Angeliki | Development, implementation and application of kinematic hardening models for overconsolidated clays |
Melgarejo, Monica Lucia | Laboratory and numerical investigations of soil-water retention curves |
Tromans, Iain | Behaviour of buried water supply pipelines in earthquake zones |
Name | Title |
Gasparre, Apollonia | Advanced laboratory characterisations of London clay |
Jotisankasa, Apivat | Collapse behaviour of a compacted silty clay |
Qadimi, A | The cyclic response of a carbonate sand through critical state soil mechanics |
Ventouras, K | Engineering behaviour of Thanet sand |
Name | Title |
Foundoukos, Michael | Investigation of soil anisotropy using a hollow cylinder apparatus and numerical analysis |
Kontoe, Stavroula | Development of time integration schemes and advanced boundary conditions for dynamic geotechnical analysis |
Monroy, Rafael | The influence of load and suction changes on the volumetric behaviour of compacted London clay |
Nguyen, Anh Minh | An investigation of the anisotropic stress-strain-strength characteristics of an Eocene clay |
Nishimura, Satoshi | Laboratory study on anisotropy of natural London clay |
Name | Title |
Alvarado, Giovanny | Influence of late cementation on the behaviour of reservoir sands |
Edwards, David | Numerical analysis of spudcan foundations |
Potts, Vicky | Geosynthetic reinforced fill as a load transfer platform to bridge voids |
Bodas Freitas, Teresa | Numerical modelling of the time dependent behaviour of clays |
Zabidi, H | Studies of karst in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Name | Title |
Bodas Freitas, Teresa | Numerical modelling of the time dependent behaviour of clays |
Zabidi, H | Studies of karst in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Name | Title |
Abela, Jeanette | Blinding struts in cut and cover excavations |
Aldama Bustos, Guillermo | An exploratory study of parameter sensitivity, representation of results and extensions of PSHA: Case study – United Arab Emirates |
Zolghadr Zadeh, Hamed | Nonlinear soil-structure interaction |
Name | Title |
Arango Gaviria, Christina | Ground-motion prediction for subduction-zone earthquakes: Insights from South and Central American data |
Barreto Gonzales, Daniel | Numerical and experimental investigation into the behaviour of granular materials under generalised stress states |
Cavarretta, Ignazio | The influence of particles characteristics on the engineering behaviour of granular materials |
Cheung, Geraldine | Micromechanics of sand production in oil wells |
Papaspillou, Myrto | On the incorporation of site response in probabilistic seismic hazard analyses |
Schutz, Reinhard | Numerical modelling of shotcrete for tunnelling |
Shipton, Barbara | The mechanics of transitional soils |
Name | Title |
Fonseca, Joana | The evolution of morphology and fabric of a sand during shearing |
Giannopoulos, Konstantinos | Numerical analysis of the re-use of piled roughed foundations |
Taborda, David MG | Development of constitutive models for application in soil dynamics |
Tsiampousi, Katerina | Numerical analysis of slopes in unsaturated soils |
Wilkinson, Steve | The microstructure of UK mudrocks |
Name | Title |
Brosse, Amandine | Study of the anisotropy of three British mudrocks using a hollow cylinder apparatus |
Hosseini Kamal, Ramtin | Experimental study of the geotechnical properties of UK mudrocks |
Shen, Chin-Kang | A micro-mechanical investigation of drained simple shear tests on dense sand using discrete element simulations |
Name | Title |
Pedro, Antonio MG | Geotechnical investigation of Ivens shaft in Lisbon |
Rimoy, Siya | Ageing and axial cyclic loading studies of displacement piles in sands |
Name | Title |
Alhaj Abdalla, Khalid | Mechanical response of two plastic clay soils from Sudan |
Avgerinos, Vasilis | Numerical investigation of tunnelling beneath existing tunnels |
Han, Bo | Hydro-mechanical coupling in numerical analysis of geotechnical structures under multi directional seismic loading |
Huang, Xin | Exploring critical-state behaviour using DEM |
Newman, Tim | Confined space hypoxia in the Thames Tideway tunnel |
Ni Bhreasail, Aine | An investigation of the micromechanical response of soil to one dimensional compression in varied thermal conditions |
O’Donovan, John | Micromechanics of wave propagation through granular material |
Pelecanos, Loizos | Seismic performance, analysis and design of earthfill dams |
Shire, Tom | Micromechanical study of suffusion in soils |
Wan, Siu Pong | Field investigation on effect of tunnelling in London clay |
Yu, Jessica | Assessing ground interaction effects and potential damage on existing tunnels before and after new excavation work |
Name | Title |
Aghakouchak, Amin | Advanced laboratory studies to explore the axial cyclic behaviour of driven piles |
Cui, Wenjie | Development, Implementation and Application of Thermo-hydro-mechanical Coupling for Soils in Finite Element Analysis |
Lessi, Angeliki | Seismic engineering: consistent representation of ground motion |
Summersgill, Freya | Numerical modelling of stiff clay cut slopes with non local strain regularisation |
Name | Title |
Taylor, Howard | Assessing the potential for suffusion in sands using x-ray micro-CT images |
Name | Title |
Gawecka, Klementyna | Numerical analysis of geothermal piles |
Martinez Calonge, Daniel | Experimental investigation of the thermo-mechanical behaviour and thermal properties of london clay |
Tsaparli, Vasiliki | Numerical modelling of earthquake induced liquefaction under irregular and multi-directional loading |
Name | Title |
Buckley, Roisin | The axial behaviour of displacement piles in chalk |
Knight, Chris | Fluid flow and drag in polydisperse granular materials subject to laminar seepage flow |
Liu, Tingfa | Advanced laboratory testing for offshore pile foundations under monotonic and cyclic loading |
Skiada, Evangelia | Consistent Incorporation of topography effects into ground motion prediction equations |
Ushev, Emil | Laboratory investigation of the mechanical properties of Cowden Till under static and cyclic conditions |
Name | Title |
Abadias Gomez, David | Constitutive modelling of cyclically loaded soils for application in offshore engineering |
Ghiadistri, Giulia | Constitutive modelling of compacted clays for applications in nuclear waste disposal |
Mantikos, Vasileios | Development of novel apparatus for establishing swelling and water retention characteristics of bentonite |
Name | Title |
Hendarto | Assessing local and global displacements from tunnelling and water extraction in Jakarta |
Kirkham, Andrew | Development of a new temperature-controlled oedometer |
Sailer, Eleonora | Numerical modelling of thermo-active retaining walls |
Name | Title |
Morgan, Tom | Major faulting in London: Relating tectonic-scale processes to site-scale engineering geology |
Scoular, Jennifer | Using InSAR to identify potential geotechnical hazards for Tideway East and other tunnelling projects in London |
Vinck, Ken | Advanced geotechnical characterisation to support driven pile design at chalk sites |
Name | Title |
Adesina, Peter | The effects of particle shape and sample grading on the behaviour of granular materials |
Bandera, Sara | Fundamental analysis of the influence of structure on clay behaviour |
Chen, Sihua | Thermo-hydro-mechanical characterisation of London clay |
Dominquez Quintans, Camelia | Static and cyclic characterisation of sandy and silty soils deposited underwater |
Edgar, Justyna | Addressing infrastructure challenges posed by the Harwich Formation through understanding its geological origins |
Elhusain, Luai | Experimental study of collapse mechanisms in gravelly soils |
Guo, Benjamin | Reuse and Sustainability of Flood Defences |
Liu, Ryan Yin Wai | Numerical modelling of complex thermo-hydro-mechanical interactions in thermo-active pile foundations |
Liu, Deyun | The influence of particle size distribution on measures of states for granular materials and implications for small strain stiffness |
Mider, Malgorzata | Understanding geological evolution of chalk cliffs and coastal processes using InSAR |
Möller, Julia Katharina | Seismic response of monopile foundations for offshore wind turbines in liquefiable deposits |
Quinteros, Santiago | On the initial fabric and the monotonic triaxial behaviour of an undisturbed fluvial sand and its reconstituted counterparts |
Ruiz López, Agustin | Development of advanced numerical models for grey cast iron tunnel linings |
Solans Roa, David | Seismic performance of tailings sand dams |
Zhou, Ding | Numerical analysis of double-O-tube shield tunnelling |
Name | Title |
Koronides, Marios | Numerical and field investigation of dynamic soil-structure interaction at full-scale |
Morimoto, Tokio | Particle-scale numerical study on thermal behaviour of granular materials |
Sassel, Tara | DEM study of the behaviour of granular materials during drained cyclic loading |
Wang, Zixiao | An Investigation of ongoing displacements of active faults in the Gobi Desert using persistent scatterer interferometric synthetic aperture radar technique to support the permanent disposal of high-level waste in Beishan, China |
Wen, Kai | Dynamic and monotonic axial loading responses of piles driven for offshore wind turbines |
Xue, Shuai | Transient ground response during and after tunnelling |
Contact Geotechnics
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Skempton Building
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London, SW7 2AZ
+44 (0)20 7594 6077
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