Seepage Induced Geotechnical Instability
Workshop exploring recent developments considering seepage and instability in cohesionless soil
Imperial College London, UK: 31st Aug – 1st Sept 2017

This workshop was run in conjunction with the ISSMGE Technical Committees: TC 105 Geo-Mechanics from Micro to Macro, TC 201 Dikes and Levees, TC 213 Scour and Erosion. The workshop launched the EPSRC funded research project: Particle-scale invesitagion of go Delegates included academics, civil engineering consultants and representatives from some UK dam owners. To give a flavour of the workshop the schedule is given below. Where possible, the schedule includes links to the presentation slides.
Thursday Aug 31st: Session 1: Industrial Perspective
Chair: Dr. Martin Preene (Preene Groundwater Consulting)
Rob Gilbert (ARUP): “Recent experience and issues with embankment dams” R. Gilbert Presentation
Dr. Toby Roberts (WJ Groundwater): “Lucky Escapes”: T. Roberts Presentation
Dr. Chris Menkiti (GCG): “Case histories of seepage dominated instabilities in soils and soft rocks”
Thursday Aug 31st: Session 2: Recent Design Guidance
Chair: Dr. Martin Preene (Preene Groundwater Consulting)
Dr. Brian Simpson (ARUP / EC7): “UPL and HYD in EC7”: B. Simpson Presentation
Dr. Philip Smith (Royal Haskoning DHV/ International Levee Handbook): “Seepage Induced Geotechnical Instability of Flood Embankments”: P. Smith Presentation
Dr. –Ing. Bernhard Odenwald (BAW): “The BAW codes of practice to ensure the bank stability of German inland waterways”: B. Odenwald Presentation
Mr. Rod Bridle (ICOLD Bulletin 164): “ICOLD Bulletin 164 on Internal Erosion”: R. Bridle Presentation
Friday Sept 1st: Session 3: Experimental Research
Chair: Mr. Rod Bridle
Prof. Jonathan Fannin (Univ. British Columbia) “Permeameter testing – the UBC perspective on progress and needs”: J. Fannin Presentation
Prof. Akihiro Takahashi (Tokyo Institute of Tech.) “Experimental research on internal erosion and its mechanical consequences for gap-graded soil”: A. Takahashi Presentation
Prof. Didier Marot (University of Nantes) “Internal erosion processes: experimental characterizations and energy based interpretative method”: D. Marot Presentation
Friday Sept 1st: Session 4: UK Research Perspective:
Chair: Mr. Rod Bridle
Dr. Philippe Sentenac (Strathclyde) “Erosion and fine fissuring detection in embankments using Geophysics”P. Sentenac Presentation
Dr. Catherine O’Sullivan (Imperial) “EPSRC project overview”: C. O'Sullivan Presentation
Dr. Elisabeth Bowman (Sheffield) – “Visualising internal erosion mechanisms using transparent soil” E. Bowman Presentation
Dr. Tom Shire (University of Glasgow) “Micro-scale Modelling of Internally Unstable Soils”T. Shire Presentation
Dr. Adnan Sufian (Imperial College) : “Insights into fluid flow, water retention and deformation using pore-scale characterisation of granular materials”: A. Sufian Presentation
Dr. Ed Smith (Imperial College) “Linking Computational Fluid Dynamics and the Discrete Element Method for Large Scale Simulations”: E. Smith Presentation
Chris Knight (Imperial College) “Pore scale modelling of fluid flow in dense grain packings with the Immersed Boundary Method”: C. Knight Presentation
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Civil and Environmental Engineering
Skempton Building
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London, SW7 2AZ
+44 (0)20 7594 6077
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