The Compact Muon Solenoid experiment (CMS) is one of the two "general purpose" detectors situated on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Occupying a cathedral-sized cavern under the ground near Cessy, France, and weighing in at around 12,500 tonnes, it has been designed to probe the smallest constituents of matter in an effort to understand some of the most profound questions we can ask of Nature. Imperial College physicists were heavily involved in the design and construction of CMS, and continue to play a leading role as the 3,300-strong CMS Collaboration extracts results from the LHC's countless particle collisions.
Imperial contribution
The Imperial College HEP group contributes to the CMS experiment in three major
- The detector: the equipment with which we make the measurements;
- Computing: processing, storing and managing the measurement data, as well as generating simulated data to aid the analysis of our results;
- Physics: interpreting the data to gain a deeper understanding of Nature.
Imperial contribution
People involved
Professor Alex Tapper
Professor Alex Tapper
CMS group leader
Prof. Paul Dauncey
Prof. Paul Dauncey
Group members: Irene Andreou, Robert Bainbridge, Daniela Bauer, Raymond Beuselinck, Philippe Bloch, Oliver Buchmuller, David Colling, Edward Michael Curtis, Indranil Das, Paul Dauncey, Gavin Davies, Michel Della Negra, Simon Fayer, Giacomo Fedi, Geoffrey Hall, Alexander Howard, Gregory Iles, Charlotte Rose Knight, Paul Krueper, Jonathon Langford, Kai Hong Law, Jaime León Holgado, Louis Lyons, Anne-Marie Magnan, Benedikt Maier, Stavros Mallios, Sam Mansbridge, Andreas Mastronikolis, Mikael Mieskolainen, Jordan Nash, Jay Odedra, Duncan Parker, Mark Pesaresi, Prijith Babu Pradeep, Benjamin Charles Radburn-Smith, Duncan Rand, Alexander Richards, Andrew Rose, Thomas Benjamin Runting, Lucas Russell, Munir Saleh, Klitos Savva, Christopher Seez, Raghunandan Shukla, Alexander Tapper, Kirika Uchida, George Peter Uttley, Tejinder Virdee, Milos Vojinovic, Nicholas Wardle, Daniel Whitehouse, Daniel Winterbottom