The Management and Grants Committee represents core members who are internationally recognised leaders in their respective topic specialisms. The Committee will meet annually to review new membership applications, revise the Roadmap document for the network and assess applications for Kick-start proposals, SME engagement grants and travel awards, and endorsements to the Research Council of projects to be submitted by HLC members to the Research Councils. The Director, Co-Director, Technical Director and Administrator will all be expected to play key roles in the running of the Network, and will be expected to attend all Management Committee meetings.
Stephen Muggleton (Director), Imperial College |
Logic-based Machine Learning |
Nick Chater (Co-Director), University of Warwick |
Human/Artificial Reasoning |
Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad (Technical Director), University of Surrey |
Automated Science
Bridget Gundry (Administrator), Imperial College
HLC Network adminstration
Alan Bundy, University of Edinburgh |
Representation change |
James Cussens, University of York |
Statistical Relational Learning |
Tony Cohn, University of Leeds |
Spatial reasoning |
Simon Colton, Goldsmith College |
Computational Creativity |
Artur d’Avila Garcez, City, University of London |
Neuro-symbolic computing |
Mark Steedman, University of Edinburgh |
Computational linguistics |
Ian Apperly, University of Birmingham |
Reasoning about mental states |
Ulrike Hahn, Birkbeck College |
Human judgement and decision making |
Mateja Jamnik, University of Cambridge |
Diagrammatic Reasoning |
Denis Mareschal, Birkbeck College |
Development in children |
Manos Tsakiris, Royal Holloway |
Sense of self |
Caroline Jay, University of Manchester |
Software engineering |
Stephen Payne, University of Bath |
Sensemaking |
Yvonne Rogers, University College London |
Human-centred data |
Bernd Stahl, University of De Montfort
Ethics of HLC |