We are now hiring and welcome applications from candidates with a passion for technology and societal challenges. More specifically, we are currently seeking to recruit five Ph.D. candidates to commence in October 2022 to work on research projects in the areas of transportation and mobility; energy; food and health; and in circular business models. We are also seeking two post-docs to support the five doctoral candidates.

We are also seeking to appoint two 2.5-year post-docs positions to support these activities.

Ideal candidates will have a passion for the environment and social justice; a driving ambition to explore the intersection between digital technologies and human behaviours; and have outstanding records of academic achievement.

Applications from candidates with a background in Electrical Engineering; Mathematics Computer Science; and Design Engineering are particularly welcome.

For more information and how to apply, visit our Postgraduate Research (PhD) page.

I3-Lab PhD Opportunities

General enquires

For further academic details, please contact r.shorten@imperial.ac.uk

For application enquiries, please contact n.moult@imperial.ac.uk