The MedTech Accelerator is a Wellcome Trust funded support programme for Imperial Academics, Imperial clinical Academics and ECRs who want to translate their research into medical technology products or clinical applications. 

Who we are

Accelerator Ecosystem

Key actors within the ecosystem, We align with and complement other programme and services, for the benefit of the projects we support. 

MedTechAccelerator – who we are

MedTech Accelerator Focus

The MedTech Accelerator helps de-risk Imperial College MedTech projects which have a high translational potential.

MedTech Accelerator Focus- who we are

Project Impact Generation Pathway

TRL- for Design and Development of medical devices within our Team which we use to support the projects, with a level of support adapted to the project’s TRL. 

Project Impact Generation Pathway 

How to engage with us

Ad hoc

You can engage with any member of the team, for an ad-hoc conversation about your MedTech translation journey. For internal or external translational MedTech projects applications, our team can be costed in your grant application, so that we can provide more in-depth support. If you would like to know more, please email MedTechONE. 


Come and Meet us at our MedTechONE Events  (see our event page)

Funding Competitions

The easiest way to engage with us is through the competitive calls for funding we run, for MedTech projects with high translation potential. Click here to find out more on the type of calls we run. We often run those jointly with other programmes. Subscribe to our newsletter to hear about funding call opportunities. 


Immanuel Sebastine

Immanuel Sebastine
Dr Immanuel Sebastine Translation Project Manager

Najla Ahmed

Najla Ahmed
Najla Ahmed MedTech Project Officer

Florence Leong

Florence Leong
Dr Florence Ching Ying Leong MedTech QARA Manager

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Find out more about MedTechONE, Imperial College Medical Technologies Overarching New Enterprise