The MSSC2020 will be a virtual workshop and the morning and the afternoon sessions will be run remotely - 21-25 September 2020


The programme below is temporary and it may be subject to changes!



9:00 - 9:45

Translation symmetry, space groups. Geometry
G. Mallia

Vibrational frequencies calculation and tools for their analysis
A. Ferrari


Local defects in crystalline materials 
G. Mallia

Ab initio modelling of Metal Organic Framework with CRYSTAL 
B. Civalleri 

Investigating polymorphism and hydromorphism with first principle methods.
R. Demichelis

9:45 - 10:30  

How to Model Crystals: Periodic Boundary Conditions 
S. Casassa

The Lattice Dynamical Approach to the Inclusion of Temperature
A. Erba

Modeling low-dimensional systems with CRYSTAL: Nanotubes and Fullerenes
A. Ferrari

Post-HF techniques and the CRYSCOR project
L. Maschio


Tackling Size and Complexity with CRYSTAL
M. Corno

  Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
10:50 - 11:35  

Hamiltonians and basis sets
K. Doll

From bulk to surface. Relaxation and reconstruction.
K. Doll

Infrared and Raman Spectra of Solids
L. Maschio

CRYSCOR: studied cases
R. Martinez-Casado


Ab initio transport properties and thermoelectric materials
L. Daga

11:35 - 12:20  

The Geometry Optimizer in Materials Modeling
A. Erba

One-electron properties
F. Corà

Ab initio thermodynamics
N. Harrison

Van der Waals interactions in the DFT framework
G. Brandenburg

Quantum transport in nanojunctions
A. Ferretti

12:20 - 13:05  

The structure of the CRYSTAL code. CRYSTAL input/output. 
G. Mallia 


TOPOND: topological analysis of the electron charge density of solids
S. Casassa


The effect of pressure: equations of state; bulk modulus; elastic constants
M. Alfredsson

CRYSTAL in parallel
I. Bush

Predictive simulation and materials characterisation
N. Harrison



Basic tutorials + Wednesday Lectures

Thursday  Friday

14:00 - 15:45

Geometry input

Total energy (Single-point)

Dielectric and optical properties of solids 

L. Bernasconi

Excited states. TD-DFT
L. Bernasconi

Poster Session

DLV: visulisation of structures and properties. 
B. Searle

M. Corno

Geometry optimisation

Basic modelling of surfaces
  Coffee Break Coffee Break  Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break

16:00 - 18:00

Basis set input & basis set editing

One-electron properties.   Poster Session Vibrational frequencies Basic modelling of defects


Advanced tutorials + Wednesday Lectures


14:00 - 15:45

Advanced options in geometry optimisation and frequencies calculation 
M. D'Amore

DLV: visulisation of structures and properties. 
B. Searle

M. Corno

Magnetic properties
P. Restuccia

Dielectric and optical properties of solids 
L. Bernasconi

Excited states. TD-DFT
L. Bernasconi

Poster Session

From single- to multi-wall nanotubes: new frontiers of modeling 
N. Marana

Dielectric properties
L. Maschio /
P. Restuccia 
  Coffee Break Coffee Break  Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break

16:00 - 18:00

Advanced options in geometry optimisation and frequencies calculation 
M. D'Amore
Magnetic properties 
P. Restuccia
 Poster Session Equation of State 
A. Erba

R. Martinez-Casado / L. Maschio 

or TOPOND: electon densisty analysis



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Contact Details

Before contacting us with a question about MSSC2020 please check our Frequently Asked Questions page. If your question is not answered on this page then you can email Dr Giuseppe Mallia