Poster Grid

Decoding the Neural Code of Human Movements for a New Generation of Man-machine Interfaces (DEMOVE)

Úbeda, A., et al. "Electromechanical delay in the tibialis anterior muscle during time-varying ankle dorsiflexion." 2017 IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2017).

Farina et al., "Research overview: Bionic reconstruction to restore hand function".

Ivan Vujaklija, Sebastian Amsuess, Timothy Hasenoehrl, Aidan D. Roche , Agnes Sturma, Dario Farina & Oskar C. Aszmann, "Clinical Testing of an Advanced Myocontrol Prosthetic System in Transradial Amputees".

S Dupan, M Barsotti, I Vujaklija, D Stegeman, B Graimann, D Farina, S Dosen. "Case study: Proportional and simultaneous estimation of combined finger movements from high density surface EMG", 2017 Myoelectric Controls Symposium (MEC 2017).

S Dupan, I Vujaklija, J Hahne, D Stegeman, B Graimann, D Farina, S Dosen, "Case study: influence of myoelectric control on finger muscle activation patterns", 2017 School & Symposium on Advanced Neurorehabilitation (SSNR 2017).