Recent grants and funding awarded to Centre members include:

  • Engineering & Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC): Impact Acceleration Award (£10K) "Clinical Impact of Quantification of Symptoms of Parkinsons Disease" (2017) (Angeles, Vaidyanathan)
  • Multiple Sclerosis Society: The role of neuronal chemokine expression in the pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis. (2017-2020) (Reynolds)
  • Medical Research Council (MRC): Recovery from vestibulopathy following Traumatic Brain Injury: A prospective behavioural and neuro-imaging study (2017-2020) (Sharp, Seemungal)
  • Engineering & Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC): A Novel Wearable Technology for Early Detection of Exacerbations in COPD (2017-2020) (Rodriguez Villegas)
  • Medical Research Council (MRC): The Role of Neural Activity in Enhancing Axon and Presynaptic Regeneration in the Adult Injured Neocortex In Vivo (2016-2019) (De Paola)
  • Wellcome Trust: Memory across multiple timescales (2016-2023) (Clopath)
  • Wellcome Trust: Holographic Induction of Neural Circuit Plasticity (2016-2018) (Foust)
  • Imperial Innovations Ltd: Wearable TBI monitor-Spike Sight (2016-2017) (Boutelle)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH): Near Infrared Genetically Encoded Voltage Indicators (NIR-GEVIs) for All Optical Electrophysiology (AOE) (2016-2019) (Knopfel)
  • Nokia Technologies Oy: Data-Driven Sleep Neurotechnology for Nokia (2016-2017) (Faisal)
  • Engineering & Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC): MOTION - morphological computation of perception and action (2016-2019) (Burdet)
  • Wings for Life Spinal Cord Research Foundation: Modulation of AMPK as a candidate novel regenerative pathway after spinal cord injury (2016-2018) (Di Giovanni)
  • Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC): How do auditory cortical neurons represent ethologically relevant natural stimuli? Characterizing stimulus feature selectivity and invariance. (2016-2019) (Kozlov)
  • Medical Research Council (MRC): CRACK IT Challenge 2: "A Miniature wireless EEG system for continuous monitoring of mice brainwave activity" (2016-2017) (Rodriguez Villegas)
  • Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC): Relating changes in synaptic function to cognitive decline during normal healthy ageing (2016-2019) (Brickley, Chadderton, Wisden)
  • The Leverhulme Trust: Probing synaptic amyloid-beta aggregation by redox reaction enabled super-resolution imaging (2016-2019) (Knopfel)
  • Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust- BRC Funding: Imidazoline positron emission tomography using BU99008 to investigate astrocytic response after traumatic brain injury (2016-2017) (Sharp)
  • The Royal Society: Long Range Specific Connectivity in a computer simulation of large scale neural networks (2016-2017) (Clopath)
  • The Leverhulme Trust: Receptive field development through synaptic plasticity (2016-2017) (Clopath)
  • Royal Academy Of Engineering Fellowship: Holographic Light Shaping for Reverse Engineering Neural Circuit Learning (2016-2020) (Foust, Schultz)
  • Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust- BRC Funding: Probing network mechanisms of intentional learning in early stage Parkinson's disease (2016-2016) (Hampshire)
  • Wellcome Trust: Multi-timescale processing of speech through cortical oscillations in health and in aphasic stroke (2016-2017) (Reichenbach)
  • Commission of the European Communities (CEC): POC One-EG Wearable Brain Monitoring Technology for Quick Diagnosis of Sleep Disorders - H2020 ERC (2016-2017) (Rodriguez Villegas)
  • Morton Cure Paralysis Fund: Small molecule-dependent enhancement of p53 activity for functional recovery after spinal cord injury (2015-2016) (Di Giovanni)
  • Wellcome Trust: Homeostatic plasticity and the maintenance of neural dynamics in a charging world: converging theoretical and experimental approaches. (2015-2019) (Clopath)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH): Sparse Genetically-Encoded Voltage Indicators (2015-2017) (Knopfel)
  • Engineering & Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC): Brain-inspired non-stationary learning (2015-2016) (Clopath)
  • Multiple Sclerosis Society: Pilot evaluation of a novel magnetic resonance spatial frequency mapping method for assessing spinal cord axonal loss in progressive multiple sclerosis (2015-2016) (Matthews)
  • University of Southampton: Personalized fitting and evaluation of hearing aids with EEG responses (2015-2018) (Reichenbach)
  • Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust- BRC Funding: ITMAT : Predicting response to disease modifying treatments for multiple sclerosis using a dynamic multimodal "Omics" approach (2015-2016) (Matthews)
  • Engineering & Physical Science Research Council (E: Enabling technologies for sensory feedback in next-generation assistive devices (EPSRC via Newcastle) (2015-2018) (Constandinou)
  • The Leverhulme Trust: The bright side of Reactive Oxygen Species: a new role in axonal regeneration and neurological recovery (2015-2018) (Di Giovanni)
  • Medical Research Council (MRC): UK Dementias Platform (UKDP) Experimental Medicine Enhancement (2015-2016) (Matthews)
  • Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust- BRC Funding: BRC funding 2016-2017 - Developing traumatic brain injury research within Imperial AHSC (2015-2017) (Sharp)
  • The Royal Society: Newton Advanced Fellowship - "Technology based assessment and training of bimanual manipulation" (2015-2017) (Burdet)
  • Commission of the European Communities (CEC): H2020 - IA - Cognitive Interaction in Motion - COGIMON (2015-2019) (Burdet)
  • U.S Air Force: Optics and information processing for horsefly polarisation vision that underly visual searching (2014-2017) (Krapp)
  • Medical Research Council (MRC): Assessing tau levels after traumatic brain injury (TBI) using [18F]T807 positron emission tomography (PET) (2014-2017) (Matthews, Sharp)