Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Statement

We have a deep and longstanding commitment to advancing equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) at the EPSRC CDT in Next Generation Synthesis and Reaction Technology. EDI is embedded in the DNA of the CDT and the associated departments (Chemistry and Chemical Engineering). It is at the heart of everything we strive to do and it is our dual mission to train students in the three core research pillars while instilling awareness around the importance of EDI. 

This reflects our desire to be proactive and courageous in our efforts to be truly inclusive, by supporting students and staff and removing frameworks and practices that maintain inequality and discrimination. Supporting these three pillars is critical to ensuring all members of our community can realise their potential, that we embrace and value differences and that each one of us feels like we belong in the CDT.

At the Department of Chemistry, our collaborative, supportive and inclusive culture has been rewarded by renewal of our Athena SWAN Gold Award in 2019. This represents an opportunity to continue to drive further positive change that will foster a positive environment for our diverse international community. From our inception we have strived to generate social value and impact through our research, teaching, outreach and entrepreneurship. We firmly believe that these efforts must be matched by supporting EDI everyday and placing it front and centre in our long-term strategies.

The CDT is committed to mainstreaming equality, diversity and inclusion through the following overarching areas of focus:

  1. To advance diversity of student recruitment, and an inclusive community
  2. To promote inclusive teaching, training. education and engagement
  3. To promote diversity amongst the CDT's staff communities, and an inclusive student training experience
  4. To achieve an inclusive CDT environment, which promotes equality of respect and opportunity for all members - supervisors and students - of the CDT's diverse community

EDI Training & Workshops

We proactively collaborate with the associated departments and Imperial College committees in shaping EDI initiatives. The CDT also delivers training and talks to all CDT students on the following.

  • Unconscious Bias
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Race Awareness
  • Gender Awareness
  • Disability Awareness
  • Active Bystander
  • Reducing Anxiety in Scientific Writing

In addition to the trainings we deliver for all CDT students at the start of their journey, we have refreshers throughout the year, in place to reinforce our values around EDI. 

Staff EDI training in the Department of Chemistry is measured with a Bronze, Silver, or Gold level. The levels are awarded according to the number of EDI training courses attended within the last 4 years. CDT React is in full alignment with the EDI standards set by the Department of Chemistry, where all staff are expected to complete a minimum level of training, to reach the Bronze level. The full requirements for each level are as follows:

  • Bronze - College online EDI training, Unconscious bias online training or Unconscious bias full course, 1 additional EDI course
  • Silver - To meet Bronze target, plus 3 additional EDI courses
  • Gold - To meet Silver target, plus 4 additional EDI courses, 2 day Mental Health First-Aider course

Due to the mutlidisciplinary nature of our projects, all supervisors from external departments, applying for studentship project funding from the CDT, are required to have undertaken at least one of the EDI trainings indicated above.

EDI Recruitment Process

At the CDT React, we believe that diversity is critical to maintaining excellence in all of our endeavours and with students and staff from all around the world, it is integral to the CDT. The CDT's dynamic mix of people and ideas has underpinned our global reputation for excellence in the field of chemistry, chemical engineering and data science, and makes training at the CDT a unique and enriching experience.

Furthermore, we are proud of our EDI friendly selection process aims for a fair recruitment process without the bias (conscious or subconscious) of gender, race, age and disability. All EDI information on applications are redacted before they are reviewed by the shortlisting panel. This process ensures that selections are made based purely on aptitude and academic merits of applicants.