The CFNMR centre supports research in a number of areas both within the college and externally.  At Imperial College the majority of research falls in three main areas: Structural Biology (mainly applying solution-state NMR), Biomolecular Medicine (both solution and solid-state) and Solid State NMR applications in materials and biomembranes.

Research Themes

Structural Biology

A protein-ligand interaction studied at the molecular level by NMRThe CFNMR centre provides access to the high-field NMR instrumentation necessary for the world-class research being undertaken at Imperial College in the field of structural biology.  The CFNMR is associated with the multi-disciplinary Centre for Structural Biology (CSB) whose NMR application is led by the groups of Professor Steve Matthews, Dr Ernesto Cota-Segura, and Dr Theodoros Karamanos. Within the diverse range of research activities underway at the CSB, NMR has made especially important contributions in the understanding of various host-pathogen interactions at the molecular level, eukaryotic/viral translation initiation, chaperone function, in elucidating the mechanism of amyloid formation and in characterising intrinsically disordered proteins in water and at the surface of biological membranes.