This information is intended for people visiting the centre or those running preliminary experiments who will be accompanied at all times. People intending to run their own experiments should view the information for users page.


Because the environment and hazards associated with the centre are unfamiliar to most people, access is restricted and visitors must be accompanied at all times. Visitors will either be met by the facility manager, Yingqi Xu, or will be escorted around the centre by an experienced member of staff. Please observe any instruction given by the person showing you around the facility.

The CFNMR centre houses two NMR spectrometers. These are comprised primarily of a superconducting electromagnet, whose coils are housed in a cryostat (cooling vessel containing cryogenic liquids, the white canisters marked "500", foreground and "800", background, in the photo) and a cabinet of electronics. The spectrometers are used for analysing samples of chemical or biological material, which are inserted into the magnet cryostats in a sample tube. The NMR spectrometers are contained within a purpose-built laboratory (magnet chamber 014 - see NMR centre plan ).

Details of specific hazards and how they are minimised for visitors are outlined below. For further information please contact Yingqi Xu.

In case of fire

  • The nearest fire exits are through corridor 013D to the Observatory Road exit or through corridor 011 to the Frankland Road exit.  If in doubt follow the green exit signs.
  • To sound the fire alarm: buttons are located at both the Observatory Road and Frankland Road exit doors.
  • Fire extinguishers are located in corridor 013D by the Observatory Road exit.

Other emergencies

  • An internal phone is located in the computer suite 013B.
  • IN EMERGENCY call college security on 4444.
