Affiliated scientists

  • Ali Mashayek

    Personal details

    Ali Mashayek STUOD Affiliated Scientist


    Ali Mashayek is an Assistant Professor (lecturer) of environmental fluid dynamics at Imperial College London. He is affiliated with Environmental Engineering, the Grantham Institute of Climate Change, and Energy Futures Lab.


    Ali Mashayek  research spans various topics in environmental and geophysical fluid dynamics, climate science and policy, and scientific computing.

  • Camilla Fiorini

    Personal details

    Camilla Fiorini STUOD Associated Scientist


    Camilla Fiorini is a former STOD PDRA and currently an Associate professor at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers within the M2N laboratory, in Paris.



    Camilla Fiorini main research interests are  sensitivity analysis, computational fluid dynamics and numerical analysis for PDEs.

  • Erwin Luesink

    Personal details

    Erwin Luesink STUOD Affiliated Scientist


    Erwin Luesink is a former MPE CDT Research Postgraduate and cirrent Researcher at University of Twente. 


    Erwin’s research interests  lie in the intersection of  stochastic geometric  mechanics, geophysical  fluid dynamics and n umerical analysis. 

  • Frederic Nouguier

    Personal details

    Frederic Nouguier IFREMER Researcher - STUOD Associated Scientist


    Frederic Nouguier is a physical oceanographer based he Laboratory for Ocean Physics and Satellite Remote Sensing (LOPS), IFREMER, University of Western Brittany, Brest, France.


    Research interests: ocean surface modelization including non-linear wave-wave and wave-current interactions for remote sensing applications.

  • Louis Marié

    Personal details

    Louis Marié IFREMER Researcher - STUOD Associated Scientist


    Louis Marié a physical oceanographer based he Laboratory for Ocean Physics and Satellite Remote Sensing (LOPS), IFREMER, University of Western Brittany, Brest, France.


    Research interests: the dynamics of shelf seas.

  • Nicolas Reul

    Personal details

    Nicolas Reul IFREMER Researcher - STUOD Associated Scientist


    Nicolas Reul is currently an Oceanographer with the Laboratory for Ocean Physics and Satellite Remote Sensing (LOPS), IFREMER, University of Western Brittany, Brest, France.


     Research interests: ocean surface measurements from space in extreme wind conditions (Hurricanes), air–sea interactions, sea surface waves, fluid mechanics, and electromagnetism.

  • Noé Lahaye

    Personal details

    Noé Lahaye INRIA Researcher - STUOD Associated Scientist


    Noé Lahaye is based at INRIA Rennes Centre, Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu 35042 Rennes Cedex France


    Research interests: geophysical fluid dynamics, with a major interest in ocean dynamics, internal waves, turbulence and instability, and simplified models of the ocean and atmosphere dynamics.

  • So Takao

    Personal details

    So Takao STUOD Affiliated Scientist


    So Takao is currently based at Computer Science Department University College London


    So Takao main research interests are Stochastic PDEs, Differential geometry, Machine learning

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