Picture of Miguel Sarabia
Dr Miguel Sarabia

Dr Miguel Sarabia is an alumnus from the Personal Robotics Lab. His research focused on developing user-modelling techniques for a human-like companion that can help children with disabilities learn to drive a powered wheelchair. He also wrote an application-agnostic and open-source implementation of the HAMMER architecture as contributed to a fast Stochastic Context-Free Grammar parser.

Moreover, he collaborated with the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital to carry out a study evaluating the potential of a humanoid companion for acute hospital patients.

His complete list of publications may be found at Google Scholar.

Previously, Miguel graduated from the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College with first class honours in 2010. He also spent a year at École Polytechnique as part of the Erasmus programme.

Apart from research, Miguel was involved with teaching in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering department a well. He was a teaching assistant for Human-Centred Robotics (a fourth year course), Object Oriented Programming and Language Processors (both second year courses). He was named departmental teaching assistant of the year in 2012.



Sarabia M, Young N, Canavan K, Edginton T, Demiris Y, Vizcaychipi MP Robotic Technology to Combat Social Isolation in Acute Hospital Settings [submitted].

→ Ognibene D, Chinellato E, Sarabia M, Demiris Y (2013) Contextual action recognition and target localization with an active allocation of attention on a humanoid robot. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, vol. 8, 035002



Sarabia M, Lee K, Demiris Y (2015) Towards a Synchronised Grammars Framework for Adaptive Musical Human-Robot Collaboration. International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN), pp: 715-721

Sarabia M, Demiris Y (2013) A Humanoid Robot Companion for Wheelchair Users. International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR), pp: 432-441

Sarabia M, Le Mau T, Soh H, Naruse S, Poon C, Liao Z, Tan KC, Lai ZJ, Demiris Y (2013) iCharibot: Design and Field Trials of a Fundraising Robot. International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR), pp: 412-421.

→ Ognibene D, Chinellato E, Sarabia M, Demiris Y (2012) Towards Contextual Action Recognition and Target Localization with Active Allocation of Attention. Conference on Living Machines, pp: 192-203.

Sarabia M, Ros R, Demiris Y (2011) Towards an Open-Source Social Middleware for Humanoid Robots. International Conference on Humanoid Robots, pp: 670-675



→ Sarabia M. (2015) User Modelling for Robotic Companions using Stochastic Context-Free Grammars PhD Thesis, Imperial College London
