Dr Robbie Murray
Personal details
Dr Robbie MurraySenior Lecturer in Mid-Infrared PhotonicsE-mail +44 (0)20 7594 9672
636C, Blackett Laboratory,
South Kensington CampusDr Timothy H Runcorn
221, Blackett Laboratory,
South Kensington CampusProfessor Roy Taylor FREng, FRS
Personal details
Professor Roy Taylor FREng, FRSProfessor of Ultrafast Physics and TechnologyE-mail +44 (0)20 7594 7786
636A, Blackett Laboratory,
South Kensington Campus
PhD students
Mr Bartosz Krawczyk
Blackett Laboratory,
South Kensington Campus
Alumni (2000 onwards include)
- Robert Woodward
- Meng Zhang
- Ed Kelleher
- Carlos Schmidt Castellani
- Ben Chapman
- John Travers
- Burly Cumberland
- Andrey Rulkov
- Richard Kennedy
- Christiano De Matos
- David Chestnut
- Alex Avdokhin
- Pierre Champert
- Peter Reeves-Hall
- Frank Koch
- Stefan Lewis
Contact Details
To contact individual members of the group please see the details on the right.
Prof. Roy Taylor
Femtosecond Optics Group
Photonics, Blackett Laboratory
Imperial College London
Prince Consort Road
United Kingdom
Email: jr.taylor@imperial.ac.uk
Fax: +44 (0)20 759 47782