
The extreme physics team consists of Dr Simon Bland, Dr David YanukaSavva Theocharous and James MacDonald. Each year we are joined my several undergraduate project students and academic visitors.


We have long standing collaborations multiple organisations including First Light Fusion, Technion, Sandia National Labs, ESRF,  Cornell University, University of New Mexico, University of Michigan, University of California San Diego, Lebedev Institute, CEA and AWE.

UROP projects

Each summer we take on 2-4 undergraduates to work on different projects, which often lead to being a named author on presentations and publications.  You can be in any undergraduate year to apply for these. An example project advertisement is shown below; projects for 2019 will be advertised here later this year with interviews in Feb 2019.

UROP project 2018

We are seeking 2 UROP students to help with new experiments and diagnostics development in the extreme physics laboratory. Working with researchers on the MACH (Mega-Ampere Compression and Hydrodynamics) facility we will be exploring new methods to generate very high velocities (multi kms-1 ) in the laboratory to create multi-Mbar pressure conditions. A lot of the work will likely revolve around a new ultra-portable X-pinch device that we hope to use to provide hard X-ray (diffraction and radiography) diagnostics of experiments ran on MACH.

We require 2 students with excellent practical skills who are not afraid to get their hands dirty. Some experience of DIY/model building etc would be a big plus. You should be able to think around problems and are happy with a combination of lots of experimental work with some analysis and simulation.

Msci projects

We expect to be taking on a pair of Msci project students starting in 2019

PhD studentships

We expect to be advertising a fully funded PhD position working on X-ray absorption spectrometry of high energy density material in Oct 2019. This will be advertised over the next few months.