Research grants

Reactive Plasmonics

Reactive Plasmonics: Optical Control of Electronic Processes at Interfaces for Nanoscale Physics, Chemistry and Metrology

Funder: EPSRC
Start date: 01 September 2015
End date: 31 August 2021
Principle Investigator: Prof A Zayats
Other investigators: Prof N Alford, Prof LF Cohen, Prof M Green, Prof SA Maier, Dr R Oulton, Prof DR Richards, Dr GA Wurtz
Department: Physics
Value (£): 4,813,001

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Multiscale Physics

Mathematical fundamentals of Metamaterials for multiscale Physics and Mechanics

Funder: EPSRC
Start date: 30 July 2014
End date: 29 July 2019
Principle Investigator: Prof R Craster
Other investigators: Sir JB Pendry, Prof A Movchan, Prof O Hess, Prof IS Jones, Prof N Movchan, Dr I Thompson, Prof G Pavliotis, Prof SA Maier
Department: Mathematics
Value (£): 2,551,402

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Title Nanoscale sculpturing of single photons with dielectrics
Funder name EPSRC
Start Date 01 Sep 2017
End Date 31 Aug 2020
Principal Investigator Dr R Sapienza
Other investigators Professor S Maier
Title Broadband cloaking and shielding of elastic waves in solids - H2020 - MSCA - IF
Funder name Commission of the European Communities
Start Date 01 Sep 2015
End Date 31 Aug 2017
Principal Investigator Professor R Craster
Title High Temperature, High Efficiency PV-Thermal Solar System
Funder name Engineering & Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC)
Start Date 01 August 2015
End Date 31 July 2018
Principal Investigator Dr NJ Ekins-Daukes
Other Investigators Professor PRN Childs, Professor SA Maier, Dr CN Markides, Professor DJ Paul, Dr S Thoms,
Department Physics
Value (£) 1,108,936
Further Information 
Title Optical Fabrication and Imaging Facility for three-dimensional sub-micron designer materials for bioengineering and photonics
Funder name Engineering & Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC)
Start Date 01 May 2015
End Date 30 April 2017
Principal Investigator Professor SA Maier
Other Investigators Professor N Alford, Professor DDC Bradley, Dr I Dunlop
Department Physics
Value (£) 10,527
Further Information
Title Dielectric nanoantennas: Exploration of a new, low-loss nanophotonics platform
Funder name Leverhulme Trust
Start Date Oct 2014
Principal Investigator Professor S Maier
Department Physics
Value (£) 197,120
Further Information Leverhulme website
Title TERACELL: Integrated Microwave-to-Terahertz Sensors for label-free circulating tumour cell detection
Funder name Engineering & Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC)
Start Date 01 October 2014
End Date 30 Spetember 2017
Principal Investigator Professor N Klein
Other Investigators Professor PD Abel, Dr N Guerra, Mr L Jiao, Dr S Lucyszyn, Professor SA Maier, Professor M Stevens
Department Materials
Value (£)  1,255,009
Further Information
Title Nanoparticle-assisted super-resolution microscopy for live cell imaging
Funder name Leverhulme Trust
Start Date June 2014
Principal Investigator Professor S Maier
Department Physics
Value (£) 124,143
Further Information Leverhulme Trust website
Title Creating macroscale effective interfaces encapsulating microstructural physics
Funder name Engineering & Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC)
Start Date 01 October 2012
End Date 31 March 2016
Principal Investigator Professor G Pavliotis
Other Investigators Professor AO Parry
Department Mathematics
Value (£) 546,594
Further Information
Title Active Plasmonics: Electronic and All-optical Control of Photonic Signals on Sub-wavelength Scales
Funder name Engineering & Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC)
Start Date 01 October 2010
End Date 31 August 2015
Principal Investigator Professor A Zayats
Other Investigators Professor N Alford, Professor DDC Bradley, Professor M Kim, Professor SA Maier, Dr R Pollard, Dr J Schilling, Dr P Stavrinou
Department Physics
Value (£) 4,462,875
Further Information
Title Metamaterials and the Control of Electromagnetic Fields
Funder name Leverhulme Trust
Start Date August 2010
Principal Investigator Professor S Maier, Professor J Pendry
Department Physics
Value (£) 4.8 million
Further Information Leverhulme Trust website