6 September 2024

Plenary talk by Dr Max Barolo, University of Padova

"Data meets first principles: hybrid modelling strategies to improve  process operations"


Dr. Massimiliano (Max) Barolo is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Padova (Italy). Before obtaining his Ph.D. in 1994, he worked as a process engineer at the largest petrochemical site in Italy. He is the co-chair of the Computer-Aided Process Engineering Laboratory (CAPE-Lab) research group (https://research.dii.unipd.it/capelab/). Among the process systems engineering research areas explored within the group, his current interests include process chemometrics, pharmaceutical engineering, statistical process control and model-based design of experiments.

He is the co-author of over 160 peer-reviewed papers, and the co-recipient of several research awards, including “The PSE Model-Based Innovation Prize” (2014; from Process Systems Enterprise Ltd., London) and the “Best Journal of Process Control application paper” (2008; from IFAC/Elsevier). His service activities at the University of Padova include the Chair of the Master’s degree program in Chemical and Process Engineering, and the Chair of the School of Engineering.

He pioneered the “Teaching for Learning (T4L)” faculty development program, a transformative model that aims to develop faculty teaching and learning skills beyond the traditional instructor-centered education model. Launched in 2016 with 30 engineering faculty, the program quickly spread to all technical and non-technical disciplines engaging over 600 participants, and is now the standard for all new faculty.

Dr Max Barolo, University of Padova

Registration Details:

  • Thanks to the event sponsors, there are very generous prizes to be won for both oral and poster presentations.

Important Deadlines:

👉 Submit abstract by: 16 August 2024 (outcomes in the week of the 19 August 2024)

Abstracts can be submitted via this link and registration completed here.* 

(*Please note that registration for the PSE@ResearchDayUK is included in the registration fee for the Summer School.)

Suggested Topics for Abstracts:

  • Modelling, Optimization, and Simulation
  • Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
  • Process Dynamics and Control
  • Data-Driven Modelling and Optimization
  • Molecular Modelling, Simulation, and Design
  • Operations Research
  • Product/Process Design
  • Digitalization and Industry 4.0
  • Process Operations and Automation
  • Supply Chain Optimization
  • Sustainability and Circular Economy

Register here for the PSE@ReseachDayUK
