CPSE Departments and Groups
The Sargent Centre for Process Systems Engineering is a vibrant, exciting and nurturing environment for collaborative work by students, researchers and academics.


Research Departments

University College London 

Department of Chemical Engineering


University College London 

Department of Biochemical Engineering

University College London

Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University College London 

UCL Centre for Artificial Intelligence

Imperial College London 

Department of Chemical Engineering

Imperial College London

Business School

Imperial College London

Department of Computing


Imperial College London

Dyson School of Design Engineering

Imperial College London

Department of Earth Science & Engineering

Imperial College London

Centre for Energy and Environmental Technology and Policy

The Sargent Centre Departments
Summary of the table's contents


The Sargent Centre Research Groups Research Academics

Biological Systems Engineering Laboratory


The Biological Systems Engineering Laboratory group associate the principles and knowledge of process systems engineering with advanced experimental techniques to provide solutions to biological and medical problems. 

Computational Optimisation Group

The Computational Optimisation group at Imperial College has a 30-year track record of research in decision-making under uncertainty, stochastic and robust optimisation. Earlier research has focused on control and optimisation methods and applications to large-scale dynamic macroeconomic models (e.g. those of HM Treasury, the London Business School and the National Institute of Economic & Social Research). The methods have been used to provide written memoranda of evidence to the House of Commons Select Committee on the Treasury and Civil Service, and software has been supplied to HM Treasury for use with the HM Treasury model. Current interests of the group are stochastic and robust optimisation models, algorithms and their use in energy production, capacity planning, manufacturing and distribution models under uncertainty, financial engineering and risk management.


Molecular Systems Engineering


The Molecular Systems Engineering group activity involves the intelligent molecular design of materials for engineering applications. The research combines a fundamental physical understanding, mathematical models and numerical methods into new techniques and tools for the design of better products and processes. The emphasis is on integration of models across different scales so that molecular-level models can be used at the larger scale of products and processes.

Process Automation Group

Worldwide, there is a huge base of currently installed process plants. The Process Automation group's research finds ways of helping them to run efficiently and smoothly. This is achieved by optimizing the operation of the process and equipment by detection and diagnosis of the root causes of process inefficiencies.

Statistical Machine Learning 

The Statistical Machine Learning group is a new research group at Imperial College’s Department of Computing, headed by Marc Deisenroth. Their research expertise is in statistical machine learning with a focus on Bayesian methods. Application areas include autonomous systems, robotics, time series analysis, reinforcement learning, and brain-machine interfaces.

The Sargent Centre Research Groups
Summary of the table's contents