Dr Oliver Fenwick, Royal Society University Research Fellow and Lecturer in Materials Science at Queen Mary University recently headed to Xi'an to deliver a Science on Tap lecture in association with the British Embassy "Thermoelectrics: Powering the Future".
Dr Oliver Fenwick: Science on Tap
Making Chemistry Fun
Dr Andreas Kafizas has recently done some fun outreach at Bandon Hill Meadowfield Primary School. Using household chemicals, he showed the children how to make a lava lamp effect (90% oil + 10% water + food colouring + Alka Seltzer), layers of coloured solutions (water + food colouring, with various amounts of sugar to alter the density) and mini volcanoes (baking soda + food colouring + vinegar). The children were really excited to do some of the experiments themselves, and enjoyed the demonstrations. Andreas also enjoyed the event and was happy to show the children how fun chemistry can be and hopefully inspire the next generation of chemists!
Zeynab Kafizas can be seen here assisting her father with his experiments!
Basic Introduction to Public Engagement and Outreach
Simon studied physics with space science at the University of Southampton and stayed on to undertake a PhD in solar-terrestrial physics, specialising in solar variability and climate change. Simon has taught physics and astronomy in primary and secondary schools and is currently the outreach officer for the Department of Physics at Imperial College London.
Simon competed in the 2009 FameLab competition winning the London heat and coming third in the national final, held at the Cheltenham science festival. Since the competition, Simon has talked at various science and music festivals around the UK, as well as presenting TV and radio shows for Sky, BBC and Channel 4.
In his role with the CPE, Simon conducts a lecture course during the first year of the programme, giving the students a basic introduction to public engagement and outreach and how to produce an activity such as a talk or workshop for a variety of different audience. He also supports students throughout their time with the CPE (and beyond) helping them to with outreach activities they are undertaking as well as introducing them to new opportunities at the College and with external groups, such as the British Science Association, Royal Institution and Royal Society.