Visitors at Quantum day 2024

Quantum science is one of the most exciting parts of modern science, pushing the boundaries of what we understand about the universe at its most fundamental level. At the scale of atoms and subatomic particles, the rules of classical physics no longer apply. Researchers at Imperial are exploring counterintuitive quantum phenomena like superposition, where particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously, and entanglement, where particles separated by vast distances can influence each other instantly.

But quantum science is also already creating revolutionary new technologies. Scientists at Imperial are developing quantum computing, including both hardware and software. Quantum computers will solve complex problems that are currently impossible for even the most powerful classical computers, and is expected to transform industries like drug discovery, cryptography, and materials science. Quantum sensors of gravity, magnetic fields, and time are pushing the limits of measurement and detection, and are being applied to medical imaging and navigation.

Public engagement events at Imperial are opportunities to come and talk to the researchers and students who are making these discoveries and developing these technologies. We run events for kids, school students, teachers and everyone. We hope to see you at one soon!

Find out about our programme for the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology in 2025

See a selection of Imperial's quantum outreach events