Tabs 1
- Karl Suss Mask Aligner
- OAI Mask Aligner
- Spin Coater
- Wide Beam Ion Milling
- Reactive Ion Etching
Location: Clean Room Yellow Room Photolithography Suite
Model: Karl Suss Mask Aligner MJB3
Easy to use and compact in size, the SUSS MicroTec MJB3 represents the perfect system for laboratories and small-volume production. As an inexpensive photolithography solution, the MJB3 has set industry standards specifically for processing small substrates and pieces up to 100 mm. Equipped with a reliable, high-precision mask alignment and high-resolution printing capability in the submicron range, the MJB3 is unsurpassed by any comparable machine.
Tabs 2
Location: Characterisation Lab
Model: Thermo Scientific Scios - 2 HiVac with Retractable RGB CL Detector w/ Velocity EDSB
Backscattered electron and secondary electron imaging
The innovative NICol electron column provides the foundation of the system’s high-resolution imaging and detection capabilities. It offers excellent nanoscale details, with a wide range of working conditions, whether operating at 30 keV in STEM mode (to access structural information) or at lower energies (to obtain charge-free, detailed surface information). With its unique in-lens Thermo Scientific Trinity Detection System, the Scios 2 DualBeam is designed to simultaneously acquire angular and energy-selective secondary electron (SE) and BSE imaging.
Fast access to detailed nanoscale information is possible not only top-down but also on tilted specimens or cross-sections. Optional below-the-lens detectors and an electron-beam-deceleration mode ensure quick and easy simultaneous collection of all signals, revealing the minor features in a material surface or cross-section. Fast, accurate, and reproducible results are obtained thanks to the unique NICol column design with full auto alignments.
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