Academic Staff
![]() Dr Bill Proud Bill Proud initially trained as a Chemist, moving into the field of Shock Physics during research undertaken at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge from 1994. In 2003 he was appointed Head of the Fracture and Shock Physics Group in Cambridge. In 2009 he moved to Imperial College London where he was initially appointed Technical Director and then Director of the Institute of Shock Physics. He was closely involved with the foundation of the Royal British Legion Centre for Blast Injury Studies and is an associate director of the Institute of Security Science and Technology. He has undertaken research for a wide range of industrial organisations and government agencies. In 2013 he became the founding chair of the Shock Waves and Extreme Conditions Group of the Institute of Physics. A keen internationalist he has been involved in ERASMUS+ collaborations with Portugal, Romania and France as well as hosting scientists from China, Russia, Germany and the USA. He is the current chair of the Expert Advisory Group on Energetic Materials as part of the MoD-Industry funded Weapon Science and Technology Centre. Dr Proud, his students and collaborators have received prizes and awards over the years including the UK National Award for High-Speed Photography and Photonics, and the Schardin Medal for High-Speed Photography. |
![]() Dr Daniel Eakins Dan Eakins joined Imperial College from Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he studied optical diagnostics for laser-driven shock physics experiments, and investigated the kinetics of shock-induced phase transformations in silicon. He was awarded his Ph.D. in May of 2008 from the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he investigated dynamic metal plasticity at intermediate strain-rates, the shock compression of metal powders, and shock-induced reactions in nickel-aluminum powder mixtures. He has been recognised with several awards, including the National Defence Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG), and LANL Director's Postdoctoral Fellowship. Dan has served as an At-Large Executive Committee Member for the American Physical Society's GSCCM, and currently sits on the Governing Board of DYMAT. |
Dr Simon Bland Simon Bland works for the Plasma Physics Group at Imperial College and was one of the founder members of the Institute of Shock Physics. He received a MSci. Degree in Physics from Imperial in 1997, and in 2001 completed his Ph.D. dissertation on the Dynamics of Wire Array Z-Pinch Implosions within the Plasma Physics Group. From 2001 until 2007 he worked as a Research Associate and then Research Fellow taking charge of the day to day operations on the in-house 2MA MAGPIE generator. In 2007 he was awarded an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship before becoming a Lecturer in 2009. Simon's research interests revolve around pulsed power produced high energy density physics experiments - particularly exploring the efficient production of ultra-high pressures and densities and the interaction of shock waves in dense plasmas and condensed matter. He runs the cutting-edge MACH pulsed power facility and is developing new X-ray sources for radiography, diffraction and absorption diagnostics. Over the course of his career he has authored/co-authored more than 90 published journal papers, has spoken at multiple conferences and science festivals, and enjoys showing the public the Plasma Physics Group's work. |
![]() Professor Steve Rose Steve Rose joined Imperial College as the Head of Plasma Physics in December 2006, a post he held until September 2012. He became the Director for the Institute in 2009, and became the Founding Director in 2010. He has worked in plasma physics for all his career, with a particular emphasis on plasmas produced using high-power lasers. Much of this time was spent at the two high-power laser facilities in the UK; the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory's Central Laser Facility, where he became the Associate Director for Physics, and at AWE where he was the Head of Plasma Physics. In October 2011 he was appointed to the post of Deputy Principal (now Vice-Dean) of the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Imperial College. |