The history of the Space and Atmospheric physics group

The Space and Atmospheric physics group has a long and successful history. The sections below cover some parts of the history of the group.

In 2020, the group marked the 100th anniversary of meteorology at Imperial. To celebrate, the Atmospheric Physics Group partnered with the Royal Meteorological Society to hold a free, online event. The event included talks from some of the notable figures involved in shaping the discipline throughout its rich and varied time at the College. The recorded talks are linked from the Royal Meteorological Society event page. A report on the meeting '100 years of meteorology at Imperial College' has since been published in Weather. 

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The Meteorological Office headquarters, Exhibition Road, South Kensington. This was the headquarters from November 1910 until November 1919.
The Meteorological Office headquarters, Exhibition Road, South Kensington. This was the headquarters from November 1910 until November 1919. A 'Meteorological Office' sign is still visible inside the entrance to the Dyson School of Design Engineering on Exhibition Road.