If you know of any other media reports on the Ulysses-Hyakutake encounter that are not listed below, please let us know.

Media Coverage

Printed Media

April 2000

  • The Guardian, April 6, 2000, Science p. 3, Thereby hangs a very long tail
  • Metro London, April 6, 2000, p. 3, Comet's incredible star trek
  • The Mirror, April 6, 2000, p. 23, The Mega Comet
  • Seattle Post-Intelligencer, April 6, 2000, Comet-watchers only caught a glimpse of Hyakutake's tail
  • Daily Telegraph, April 6, 2000, p. 17, Scientists discover longest comet tail
  • Science News, April 8, 2000, p. 228, A Comet's Long Tail Tickles Ulysses

May 2000

  • Physics World, May 2000, p. 3, Comet tail breaks record

June 2000

  • Astronomy & Geophysics, June 2000, p. 329-331, Solar storms, Mars and a comet's tail
  • Astronomy Now, June 2000, p. 20-22, Crossing a Comet's Tail
  • Scientific American, June 2000, p. 32, Long Tail of the Comet

July 2000

  • Astronomy, July 2000, p. 28 & 30, Hyakutake's Giant Tail
  • Sky & Telescope, July 2000, p. 22, Explaining Comet Hyakutake's "impossible" tail

August 2000

  • Astronomy, August 2000, p. 58-62, A Century of Comets
  • Astronomy & Geophysics, August 2000, p. 4.28-4.30, Millenium MIST
  • Cospar Information Bulletin, No. 148, August 2000, p. 17-18, Scientific Space Mission News
  • ESA Bulletin, No. 103, August 2000, p. 41-47, Ulysses at Solar Maximum and Beyond, and p. 114, Programmes and Operations.


  • Radio Wales Feature, April 6, 2000
  • Youth FM Feature, April 6, 2000

World-Wide Web

(All links active when this page was constructed)