Archive pre 2020-21

Autumn Term (Oct-Dec 2019)


 26/09/2019 (Thursday, 10:00)

Prof Georgiy Stenchikov King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Effect of radiative heating on the dispersion of stratospheric volcanic plumes in a fine-resolution regional model
 03/10/2019 (Thursday, 16:00, H130) Dr Stephan Juricke University of Oxford Modelling ocean weather
 08/10/2019 Dr Yohan Ruprich-Robert BSC-CNS The North Atlantic decadal variability: its climate impacts and its origins
 15/10/2019 N/A N/A N/A
 22/10/2019 Prof Ben Murray University of Leeds Ice nucleating aerosol particles and the cloud-phase climate feedback
 29/10/2019 Prof Geoffrey Vallis University of Exeter A Mechanism of the Madden-Julian Oscillation and its Relation to Excitable Media
 05/11/2019 Dr Andrew Gettelman NCAR (and Oxford University) Cloud processes at the intersection of Climate Forcing and Feedback
 12/11/2019 Dr James Keeble University of Cambridge Modelling the Potential Impacts on Total Column Ozone Recovery of the Recent, Unexpected Increases in CFC-11 emissions
 19/11/2019 Asst. Prof Ashwin Seshadri Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Simple models of monsoon bifurcation and global warming
 26/11/2019 Dr Daniel McCoy University of Leeds Observational constraints on aerosol-induced cloud brightening and liquid content changes

 05/12/2019 (Thursday 15:30-17:30)

Dr Ayako Yamamoto and Prof Hisashi Nakamura JAMSTEC (Dr. Yamamoto) and RCAST (Prof Nakamura)

Key role of western boundary currents in wintertime Euro-Atlantic blocking (Dr. Yamamoto)

Processes shaping the frontal-scale time-mean surface wind convergence patterns in winter around the warm western boundary currents (Prof Nakamura)

 10/12/2019 Dr Thomas Smith LSE Smoke and mirrors: Why are tropical biomass burning emissions important? And how do we measure them?

Spring Term (Jan-March 2020)

14/01/2020 Professor Piers Forster Leeds How should we interpret CMIP6 results?
21/01/2020 Dr Eleanor Frajka-Williams National Oceanography Centre Measuring the large-scale ocean circulation: Variability, connectivity and new approaches
28/01/2020 Dr Richard Staley Cambridge Climatic periods: A history
04/02/2020 Dr Chris Smith Leeds The Utility of Simple Climate Models
11/02/2020 Prof Nadine Unger Exeter Air pollution impacts on the carbon cycle and climate
25/02/2020 Dr Vincent Hare Cape Town Plants, Palaeoatmospheres, and Carbon Isotopes
03/03/2020 Professor Richard Essery N/A N/A
10/03/2020 Dr Tim Trent N/A N/A
17/03/2020 Dr Anthony Baran Reading Towards a new generation of physically consistent ice crystal scattering models

Summer Term (May-June 2020)

12/05/2020 (Tuesday, 16:00) Dr. Mark Zelinka   Causes of Higher Climate Sensitivity in CMIP6 Models
19/05/2020 (Tuesday, 11:00) David Schultz  University of Manchester How to Write Titles and Abstracts
26/05/2020 (Tuesday, 16:00) Dr Yana Bebieva  Florida State University The regulation of sea ice thickness by double-diffusive processes in the Ross Gyre
02/06/2020 (Tuesday, 11:00) Dr. Kasia Tokarska  ETH Zurich Carbon budgets for the Paris Agreement: uncertainties, overshoot scenarios, and high warming models
09/06/2020 (Tuesday, 16:30) Dr. Nick Lutsko  Scripps Conceptual Models for Temperature and Heat Stress Extremes, and How These Change with Warming
16/06/2020 (Tuesday, 11:30) Alistair Manning  Met Office TBD
23/06/2020 (Tuesday, 10:00) Dr. Jan D. Zika  University of New South Wales TBD
30/06/2020 (Tuesday, 16:00) Dr. Isla Simpson  NCAR TBD
07/07/2020 (Tuesday 16:00) Dr. Roisin Commane  Columbia TBD

Autumn Term (Oct-Dec) 2018-2019

Spring Term (Jan-Mar) 2018-2019

08/01/2019 Dr Yvonne Firing National Oceanography Centre Trends and Variability in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
15/01/2019 Dr Matthew Christensen University of Oxford

A satellite perspective of aerosols and their influence on clouds

22/01/2019 - - -
29/01/2019 Prof Oliver Wild Lancaster University Global Uncertainty Analysis of Atmospheric Chemistry Models
05/02/2019 Prof Tristan L'Ecuyer University of Wisconsin-Madison postponed
12/02/2019 Prof David Stainforth Grantham Institute (London School of Economics)  Does the way we evaluate climate models reduce their information content for science and policy?
(Time change: 12:00-12:50)
Prof Mat Collins University of Exeter

Improving Spatial Information in Projections of Climate Change

22/02/2019 (FRIDAY) Prof Allison Wing Florida State University Moist thermodynamics of tropical cyclone formation and intensification in numerical simulations
26/02/2019 Dr Neven Fučkar Environmental Change Institute (University of Oxford) Elements of sea ice variability and predictability in the high north
05/03/2019 Dr Russell Blackport University of Exeter Arctic links to severe mid-latitude winters: Reconciling models and observations
12/03/2019 Prof Keith Shine University of Reading The relatively-neglected shortwave forcing by greenhouse gases
19/03/2019 Prof Nadine Unger University of Exeter postponed
04/04/2019 (THURSDAY) Dr Gianluca Meneghello MIT

The Ice-Ocean Governor:  a simple model with real-world implications

15/04/2019 (MONDAY) Dr Yi Ming NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Recent advances in idealized modelling

Summer Term (May-June) 2018-2019

30/04/2019 Dr David Smeed National Oceanography Centre The reduced state of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
07/05/2019 Pending - -
14/05/2019 Prof Benjamin Muray University of Leeds postponed
21/05/2019 Mr Adrian Leung University of Reading Atmospheric predictability: the origins of the finite-time behaviour
28/05/2019 Prof Mike Cullen Met Office Use of a diagnostic based on semi-geostrophic theory to understand the behaviour of a comprehensive atmospheric circulation model on large scales
04/06/2019 Prof Ken Carslaw University of Leeds New insights into ice nucleation and its effect on cloud reflectivity
11/06/2019 Dr Nicolas Bellouin University of Reading -
18/06/2019 Prof Pier Luigi Vidale University of Reading -
25/06/2019 Prof Pierre Friedlingstein University of Exeter -
01/07/2019 (MONDAY) Dr Malte Stuecker Pusan National University  

Autum Term





20/09/2017 Prof. Ulrike Lohmann ETH Zurich Why does the influence of aerosols on clouds and climate remain uncertain?
03/10/2017 Dr. Jun-Ichi Yano CNRM, Meteo France Tropical atmospheric Madden-Julian oscillation: strongly-nonlinear free solitary Rossby wave?
10/10/2017 Dr. Daniel P Harrison University of Sydney  Why it’s time we embraced the age of geoengineering research
17/10/2017 Prof. Ted Shepherd Reading  Climate change: the challenge of atmospheric circulation
24/10/2017 Alyssa Gilbert Imperial Grantham The role of scientists in the face of global challenges: A place for everyone
31/10/2017 Dr. Rob Chadwick Met Office Understanding Tropical Water Cycle and Atmospheric Circulation Changes under Global Warming
03/11/2017 (Note: Friday, 12:00-13:00) Prof. Tim Cronin MIT Arctic temperature profiles and their sensitivity to climate change
07/11/2017 Dr. Niklas F Boers Imperial Grantham Teleconnections of extreme rainfall events from regional to global scales
14/11/2017 Dr. David Ferreira Reading Climate of an Earth-like planet: the high-obliquity case and the tidally-locked case
21/11/2017 Dr. Claire Scannell Met Office Impact of remote anthropogenic aerosols on East and West African rainfall
28/11/2017 Dr. Paulo Ceppi Reading  Implications of evolving SST warming patterns for atmospheric circulation and climate sensitivity
06/12/2017 (Note: Weds, 12:00-13:00, Blackett 1004) Dr. Thomas Bracegirdle British Antarctic Survey Understanding model diversity in CMIP5 projections of westerly winds over the Southern Ocean
12/12/2017 - - No seminar

Spring Term





09/01/2018 - - No seminar
16/01/2018 Prof. Euan Nisbet Royal Holloway Methane and the Paris Agreement
23/01/2018 Dr. Richard Jones Met Office From regional climate modelling to regional climate information
30/01/2018 Dr. Richard Millar Oxford 1.5°C and the Paris Agreement: What it means, and pathways to achieving the Paris Agreement goals
06/02/2018 Dr. Tim Woolings Oxford Daily to decadal modulation of jet variability
13/02/2018 Prof. Hugh Coe Manchester Biomass burning in the tropics, aerosol properties and regional impacts
20/02/2018 Prof. Jonathan Gregory Reading / Met Office Sea level change in the Anthropocene
27/02/2018 - No seminar 
06/03/2018 William Ball  PMOD/WRC ​Evidence for continued ozone layer reduction
13/03/2018 Marlene Kretschmer Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) 

Using Causal discovery algorithms to analyze drivers of the stratospheric polar vortex

20/03/2018 - - Seminar rescheduled
19/04/2018 (note: Thursday, 10:00-11:00, Huxley 503) Dr. Florent Brient ETH Zurich Marine stratocumulus and their influence on the climate system

Summer Term





01/05/2018 Dr. Anita Ganesan University of Bristol Understanding recent changes in atmospheric CH4 using multiple approaches
08/05/2018 Claudio Sanchez Met Office Using diabatic tracers to link predictability barriers to parametrization errors
15/05/2018 Dr. Dan Feldman Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Reducing Earth System Model High-Latitude Biases by Incorporating Observationally-Based Infrared Surface Emissivity
22/05/2018 Prof. John Thuburn University of Exeter

Towards a 'multi-fluid' representation of convection in weather and climate models

25/05/2018 (Note: Fri, 11:00-12:00, Blackett 630) Prof. Wouter Peters University of Groningen and Wageningen University Atmospheric constraints on carbon exchange over the Amazon
29/05/2018 Dr. Ali Mashayek Oxford Overturning the circulation of the ocean
05/06/2018 - No seminar
12/06/2018 Dr. Hannah Christian Oxford Stochastic parameterisation: from weather to climate
19/06/2018 Dr. Christian Buckingham British Antarctic Survey Observational evidence of submesoscale baroclinic instability in the open ocean
26/06/2018 Dr. Elena Tarnavsky Reading Agro-meteorological Risk Applications using Earth Observation and Modelling
29/06/2018 (Note: Fri, 11:00-12:00) Dr. Martin Singh Monash University Intense tropical & subtropical thunderstorms in a warmer climate

Autumn Term






Dr. Balu Nadiga

Los Alamos

Two studies of dynamics at different scales: a) An interior route to dissipation of balanced energy in the ocean b) Ocean heat uptake in energy balance models


Dr. Pablo Ortega


Mechanisms of decadal variability in the Labrador Sea and the wider North Atlantic and their role in the recent “cold blob" 


Dr. Daniel Mitchell


Heat waves and climate change: from the physics to the impacts on human health


Dr. David Ham


Firedrake: a system for automating finite element simulations


Dr. Frederic Vitart


How much complexity is needed for sub-seasonal prediction?


Prof. Valerio Lucarini


Statistical mechanics of climate


Dr. Laura Wilcox


The role of anthropogenic aerosol in global and regional change


Dr. Doug Smith

Met Office

Seasonal to decadal prediction: progress and issues


Dr. Phillipe Lopez


A paramaterization scheme for lightning


Dr. Patrick Hyder

Met Office

Air-sea exchange variability and its atmosphere/ocean model resolution-dependence in HadGEM3


Dr. Florian Sévellec


Dynamical attribution of oceanic prediction uncertainty in the North Atlantic

Spring Term






Prof. Alberto Garabato

University of Southampton

The role of submesoscale turbulence in regulating the annual cycle of the upper-ocean mixed layer






Dr. Chris Jones

Met Office

The carbon cycle behaviour under low mitigation scenarios, implications of the Paris Agreement


Dr. Chris Brierley


Predicting abrupt coupled climate-ecosystem transitions 


Prof. Lesley Gray


11-Year Solar Cycle Influence on the North Atlantic Oscillation - is there a Role for Ocean Amplification?


Dr. Ed Cohen


Wavelet coherence: a time-frequency approach to testing for correlations between non-stationary processes.


Dr. Fiona O' Connor

Met Office

Methane at the Last Glacial Maximum


Prof. Ranjeet Sokhi 

University of Hertfordshire

Quantifying air quality on multiple scales - interactions, impacts and implications


Dr. Matthew Palmer

Met Office

Earth's Energy Imbalance and Future Sea Level Rise


Dr. Xiaoming Zhai


Decadal impact of including ocean surface currents in bulk formulas on surface air-sea fluxes and ocean general circulation


Dr. Mark Parrington


Monitoring and forecasting long-range transport of wildfire emissions in the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service

Summer Term






Dr. Laura Wilcox


The role of anthropogenic aerosol in global and regional change


Dr. David Sexton

Met Office

Using perturbed parameter ensembles for projections and model development


Dr. Mingxi Liang


Inhale, Exhale, how much (fast) does the ocean breathe?


Prof. Ray Pierrehumbert


Climate Dynamics of Lava Planet Atmospheres


Dr. Helen Czerski


The bubbles underneath breaking waves and their contribution to air-sea gas transfer mechanisms


Dr. Michael Vellinga

Met Office

Modelling tropical variability: recent advances and remaining challenges


Dr. Hugo Lambert


Land-ocean shifts in tropical precipitation under climate change


Dr. Juliane Schwendike


Why is the tropical cyclone boundary layer not well-mixed?


Prof. Graeme Stephens

JPL / Caltech

The curious nature of the hemispheric symmetry of the Earth’s water and energy balances


(Note: day change)

Dr. Yi Ming

NOAA / GFDL and Princeton

Toward Understanding Regional Hydroclimate Change: Insights from Moist Static Energy (MSE) Budget Analysis

 Autumn Term
8th October  Andreas Klocker, University of Tasmania
Wave-turbulence-mean flow interaction in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
13th October  Erik Van Sebille, Imperial College  London Chasing water: Using Lagrangian particles to track water, heat, plankton and plastic through the global ocean
20th October  Simon Josey, NOC Southampton From One Extreme to Another :
Air-Sea interaction in the North Atlantic and Southern Oceans
27th October  Paulo Ceppi, University of Washington Cloud feedbacks and their impacts on atmospheric circulation
3rd November  -  -
10th November  Thomas Spengler, University of Bergen Maintenance of Storm Tracks and Baroclinicity
17th November  Alan Plumb, MIT Dynamical Climate Perturbations, Annular Modes, and the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem
24th November  Len Shaffrey, Unversity of Reading Climate change and North Atlantic storms
2nd December  Rhys Parfitt, Imperial College London The interaction between atmospheric and oceanic fronts – the junction between weather and climate
8th December  Daniel Whitt, University of Cambridge Near-inertial waves in strongly baroclinic currents: theory and oceanic applications
15th December  Benjamin Bronselaer, University of  Oxford Climate-carbon feedbacks:
 relative impact of warming patternson ocean carbon and heat storage
Autumn Term 2015

Spring Term

12th January  Moved to March 15th  -
19th January  Robin Hogen, ECMWF What is the impact of 3D cloud radiative effects on weather and climate?
26th January  Amos Lawless, University of Reading Data assimilation for coupled systems in environmental prediction
2nd February  Anna Augusta-Panareda, ECMWF Overview of modelling and data assimilation of long-lived greenhouse gases within the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service at ECMWF
9th February  Ric Williams, University of Liverpool Why is global warming nearly linearly dependent on how much carbon we emit?
16th February  Mike Fisher, ECMWF Time-parallel algorithms for variational data assimilation
23rd February  Lenka Novak, Unversity of Reading Predator-Prey Behaviour of Storm Tracks
1st March  Baylor Fox-Kemper, Brown University Effects of ocean surface gravity waves: on turbulence, climate, and frontogenesis
8th March  Remi Tailleux, University of Reading A new framework for identifying sources and sinks of available potential energy in tropical cyclones
15th March  Laure Zanna, University of Oxford Suppression of AMOC variability at increased CO2
22nd March  Helene Hewitt, MetOffice From parameterising to resolving: the role of eddies and resolution in coupled models
Autumn Term 2015

Summer Term

26th April  Camille Li, University of Bergen
Probing causality in Arctic-midlatitude linkages
3rd May  Ben Booth, MetOffice Beyond Global Warming:  What drove past regional climate change?
10th May  David Marshall, University of Oxford Adrian Gill’s model of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Revisited
17th May  Robert Marsh, University of  Southampton
Intermediate complexity climate modelling and the pole-to-pole ocean circulation
24th May  Malcolm Roberts, MetOffice Using high resolution global modelling for improved understanding of climate processes and implications
31st May  Andrew Meijers, British Antarctic  Survey The Ocean at the Centre of the Earth: Trends and variability in the Southern Ocean
7th June  Mark Webb, MetOffice The impact of parametrized convection on cloud feedback
14th June  James Maddison, University of  Edinburgh What shape are ocean eddies?
21st June  Caroline Muller, CNRS
Physical processes leading to the organization of convection
12th July  Peter van Leeuwen, University of  Reading Nonlinear data assimilation, really? Without localisation?
 Autumn Term
7th October No seminar  
14th October No seminar  
21st October No seminar  
28th October Chris Brierley, UCL Tropical Cyclones and Past Climate 
4th November Andrew Friend, Cambridge  
11th November Sybren Drijfhout, Southampton Is the AMOC the main source of uncertainty in regional climate change projections for the UK?
18th November Jeremy Grist, NOC Air-sea fluxes and the Atlantic Overturning Circulation
25th November Gerd Folberth, Met Office Plants and the Atmosphere – A Tale of Two Environments Tightly Entangled
2nd December No seminar  
9th December No seminar  
16th December Mat Disney, UCL  
Autumn Term 2015

Spring Term

13th January Dominick Spracklen, Leeds Interactions between land cover change, atmospheric composition and climate
20th January No seminar  
27th January Matt Rigby, Bristol  
3rd February Pavel Berloff, Imperial Dynamically Consistent Parameterization of Mesoscale Eddies
10th February No seminar  
17th February Richard Betts, Exeter  
24th February Tamaryn Napp, Imperial  
3rd March Andrew Turner, Reading  
10th March Dan Hodson, Reading / NCAS-Climate Atlantic Multidecadal Variability: Consequences, Causes and Prediction?
17th March Dan Jones, British Antarctic Survey (BAS) How does Southern Ocean mode water ventilate the subtropics?
24th March David Schultz, Manchester  
Autumn Term 2015

Summer Term

28th April Massimo Bollasina, Edinburgh

Aerosol Forcing on Regional Climate Variability and Change: South Asia and the Monsoons

5th May Aurelie Duchez, Southampton Impact of the AMOC on Atlantic SSTs and European weather extremes
12th May David Munday, BAS / Oxford  
19th May No seminar  
26th May Michaela Hegglin, Reading Past stratospheric water vapour changes and implications for the stratospheric circulation
2nd June Richard Allan, Reading The global water cycle, with a focus on earth observation data of clouds, water vapour, rainfall and radiative energy balance
9th June Christopher O'Reilly, Hokkaido University The influence of the Gulf Stream SST profile on winter Euro-Atlantic circulation
12th June Rachel White, University of Washington Mountain geometry and the Pacific jet stream: Mongolian Matters!
16th June Philip Stier, Oxford Observational constraints on global aerosol cloud interactions
23rd June Stephen Arnold, Leeds Sources and impacts of tropospheric ozone pollution at high latitudes
14th July

Xuerong Qin and Paulina Cetina Heredia

University of New South Wales, Australia

Sources of water masses and iron feeding the Equatorial Undercurrent
21st July

Kate Marvel, NASA Goddard and Columbia

Implications for climate sensitivity from the response to individual forcings
 Autumn Term
23rd September Jamie Banks, Imperial College London
Satellite dust retrievals over the Sahara  during teh Fennec campaign in June 2011
24th September David Thompson, Colorado State University Understanding large-scale climate variability in the Southern Hemisphere
8th October Dai Yamazaki, Bristol Physically-based modelling of large-scale flooding in continental-scale rivers
15th October Benoit Vanniere, Imperial College London Analysing coupled model biases using the adjustment of initialised simulations: application to the tropical Pacific
22nd October Ian Boutle, Reading Why does it always rain on me? Observations and modelling of stratocumulus clouds
29th October Richard Chandler, UCL Expoiting strength, discounting weakness: combining information from multiple climate simulators
5th November Flora MacTavish, Grantham Institute for Climate Change The IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report
6th November Xu Liu, NASA Radiative transfer model and retrieval algorithm development for hyperspectral satellite remote sensors
12th November Mark Saunders, UCL Weather and cliamte extremes research at MSSL/UCL
19th November William Ingram, Oxford Why does CO2 radiative forcing depend logarithmically on CO2 concentration?
29th November Laura Wilcox, Reading The influence of anthropogenic aerosol on multi-decadal variations of historical global and regional climate
3rd December Jim Haywood, Met Office Atmospehric aerosols and their climatic impact
10th December Paul Young, Lancaster Tropospheric zone 1850-2100: Many models, many answers?
Autumn Term 2015

Spring Term

28th January Ian Ashpole, Oxford  
4th February Adam Levy, Oxford Rain, brains and climate change: improving understanding of regional precipitation with medical registration techniques
11th February Cancelled  
18th February Alison Ming, Cambridge The annual cycle in tropical lower stratospheric temperature: idealised model studies
25th February Magdalena Balmaseda, ECMWF Role of the ocean in teh recent hiatus in surface warming. An insight from an ocean reanalysis
4th March Cancelled  
11th March Buwen Dong, Reading Variability of the North Atlantic summer storm track: mechansisms and impacts on European climate
18th March Roberto Buizza, ECMWF ECMWF coupled ocean-atmosphere extended range prediction
25th March Piers Forster, Leeds How geoengineering might work in practice
Autumn Term 2015

Summer Term

29th April David Jackson, Met Office
6th May Christian Buckingham  
13th May Danny Feltham, Reading Next generation of sea ice models: new physics describing sea ice mechanics and melt
20th May Rob Ewers, Imperial
Linkages between the physical environment and ecological processes in tropical rain forests
27th May Andrew Suggit, Exeter  
3rd June David Brayshaw, Reading  
10th June Florian Pappenberger, ECMWF  
17th June Alex Archibald, Cambridge Uncertainty in predictions of surface O3: the role of chemical mechanisms
24th June Martin Wooster, King's College London  
 Autumn Term
2nd October Sue Gray, Reading 
Diabatic influences on extratropical cyclones
9th October Xiaoming Zhai, UEA From wind power to ocean eddy graveyard
16th October Kerstin Schepanksi, Leeds Satellite-based observations of Saharan dust source areas
23rd October Tom Smith, KCL Smoke and mirrors: Infrared spectroscopty and radiometry for the study of biomass burning emissions
30th October Chris Brierley, UCL Structural climate change
13th November Claire Ryder, Reading Saharan dust: size matters
20th November Caroline Bains, Met Office Influences on convection over West Africa
27th November Chris Wilson, NOCL Southern Ocean adjustment in an eddying regime
4th December Nick Schutgens, Oxford Parametric and structural uncertainties in global aerosol modelling
11th December Will Ball, Imperial Solar variability and the effect on stratospheric ozone
12th December Mark Baldwin, Exeter Why does stratospheric variability affect surface weather and climate?
Autumn Term 2015

Spring Term

15th January Lucy Bricheno, NOCL What effect does high model resolution have on winds, and therefore the ocean?
22nd January Harry Leach, Liverpool Watermass modification by mixing in the Weddell Gyre
19th February Sue Grimmond, KCL The importance of vegetation on urban surface-atmosphere exchanges: ecidence from measurements and modelling
26th February Marcus Koehler, KCL Regional growth in aircraft emissions: impacts of NOx on atmospheric chemistry and associated climate forcings
5th March Paul Williams, Reading Clear-air turbulence: will flights get bumpier because of climate change?
12th March Bill Collins, Reading Near-term climate mitigation
19th March Sarah Moller, Leeds Smoke Detectors - chasing forest fires in North America
Autumn Term 2015

Summer Term

23rd April Shaun Lovejoy, McGill
Emergent atmospheric laws: why the weather and the cliamte are not what you expect
30th April Dave Topping, Manchester New models to revisit the relationship between atmospheric aerosol size, composition and mass partitioning between multiple phases
7th May John Taylor, Cambridge Turbulence, submesoscales, and phytoplankton blooms at ocean fronts
14th May Joe Kidston, Sydney
The relationship between the speed and the latitude of the eddy-driven jet; implications for climate change and stratosphere-troposphere coupling
28th May Ralph Beeby, Kings  
4th June Oyvind Breivik, ECMWF The impact of sea state on the ocean mixed layer - experiments with a coupled atmosphere-wave-ocean model
11th June Ignacio Pisso, Oslo Lagrangian particle dispersion modelling and source flux estimates of atmospheric tracers
18th June Robert Plant, Reading Numerical modelling of convective clouds. How real is "realistic-looking"?
Date Speaker Title
4th October Professor Sir Brian Hoskins, Grantham Institute "Predictability beyond the deterministic limit"
11th October Dr. Simon Dadson, University of Oxford "Landscape response to a changing climate"
18th October Dr. Alexandra Weiss, BAS "Atmospheric process studies in Antarctica"
25th October Professor Hans Graf, University of Cambridge "El Nino, Siberian Snow, the Polar Vortex and cold winters"
28th October Dr. Stephen Leroy, Harvard **3pm** "Inferring Climate Change and Radio Occultation"
1st November Dr. Tim J. Woollings, University of Reading "Ocean-atmosphere interaction in the Atlantic storm track response to climate change"
8th November    
15th November Dr. Fred Prata, Norwegian Institute for Air Research **11am** "Grounded in Europe – The Science Behind the 2010 Volcanic Ash Crisis"
22nd November Dr. Jean-Baptiste Sallee, BAS "Mean flow and topography control on surface eddy mixing and water-mass subduction in the Southern Ocean"
29th November Dr. Stuart Newman, Met Office "Airborne and satellite observations of volcanic ash from the Eyjafjallajökull eruption"
2nd December Dr. Michaela Hegglin, University of Toronto **11am** "Towards a one-atmosphere view of chemistry-climate coupling"
2nd December Dr. Apostolos Voulgarakis **11:30am** "Atmospheric composition and climate"
6th December Dr. Richard P. Allan, University of Reading "Current and future changes in the global water cycle"
13th December Professor Rowan Sutton, University of Reading "Causes of the rapid warming of the North Atlantic Ocean in the mid 1990s and time of emergence of climate signals"
10th January Dr. K. Giles, CPOM "Observing the Arctic sea ice cover and ocean from space: Recent changes from Envisat and the current status of CryoSat-2"
17th January Dr. Nicola Howe, ESSC Reading "Decadal prediction of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: how little do we need to know?"
24th January Dr. Miguel Angel M. Maqueda, National Oceanography Centre "The dynamics of wind-driven polynyas"
31st January Professor Carl Wunsch, MIT/Oxford "Predicting the Ocean Circulation"
10th February Dr. Felix Ng, University of Sheffield  **12:00pm** "Wave structures in the firn of polar ice sheets"
17th February Dr. Richard Reynolds, U.S. Geological Survey **12:00** p.m. Room 741B "Iron oxide minerals in atmospheric dust and dust-source sediments—studies of types and properties to assess environmental effects"
21st February Dr. Ed Hawkins, University of Reading "Uncertainty in climate projections: from what to when"
28th February Dr. Paul Holland, BAS "Ocean and ice processes in the Antarctic shelf seas"
6th March Dr. Julie Jones, University of Sheffield "'Twentieth century behaviour of the Southern Annular Mode"
9th March Professor Georgiy Stenchikov, KAUST **11am** "Quantifying regional climate sensitivity to radiative forcing in the Middle East and North Africa"
13th March Dr. Adrian Hill, Met Office "Investigating aerosol-cloud interactions - a reductionist approach"
20th March Dr. Helen Dacre, University of Reading "A New Method for Evaluating Regional Air Quality Forecasts"
1st May Professor Robin Hogan, University of Reading "Clouds and their turbulent environment"
8th May Dr. Brian Kerridge, RAL "PREMIER: ESA’s Earth Explorer 7 Candidate Mission to Sound Atmospheric Composition"
15th May Professor Karen Heywood, University of East Anglia "Ocean processes at the Antarctic continental slope"
22nd May Dr. Samantha Smith, Met Office "'Sensitivity of orographic rain enhancement to horizontal resolution in the operational Met Office weather forecasting model'"
29th May Professor Eleanor Highwood, University of Reading "Atmospheric aerosols: from composition to climate"
12th June Dr. Nigel Fox, NPL "'SI traceable measurements from space: An essential tool for climate'"
19th June Professor Gabriele Hegerl, University of Edinburgh **12:30pm** "Causes and implications of climate change over the last millennium"
20th June Dr. Peter Miller, Plymouth Marine Laboratory **12:00 noon** "Satellite ocean front maps reveal dynamic surface currents: a new approach for model validation”
26th June Dr. K. Horsburgh, National Oceanography Centre POSTPONED
28th June Dr. C. Morcrette & Dr. D. Smith, Met Office **11am** "Decadal climate prediction and evaluation of cloud parametrization schemes"
Date Speaker Title
12th October Dr. Maarten Ambaum, University of Reading. "The Climate Entropy and Energy Budgets"
2nd November Dr. Remi Tailleux, University of Reading. "Energetics of the ocean and the driving mechanisms of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation"
11th November (Thursday) Dr. Peter Knippertz, University of Leeds. "Towards an Improved Representation of Meteorological Processes in Models of Mineral Dust Emission"
16th November Dr. Len Shaffrey, University of Reading. "High-resolution coupled climate modelling"
23rd November Dr. Simon Buckle, Grantham Institute for Climate Change.  
30th November Dr. Charlie Williams, University of Reading. *Postponed
7th December Dr. Ruth Doherty, University of Edinburgh. *Postponed
25th January Dr. Franco Molteni, European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts.
22nd February Dr. Charlie Williams, University of Reading. *Cancelled
1st March Dr. Laure Zanna, University of Oxford. *Cancelled
8th March Dr. Ruth Doherty, University of Edinburgh.  
15th March Dr. Loic Jullion, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton.  
18th March Dr. Rob Bryant, University of Sheffield.  
22nd March Dr. Shane Elipot, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Liverpool.  
14th April Dr. Tieh Yong, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. "Diurnal cycles in the maritime continent: propagating waves and standing-wave cavities"
10th May Dr. Laure Zanna, University of Oxford. "Low-Frequency Variability and Forecast Skill of Observed Atlantic Sea Surface Temperatures"
17th May Dr. Ric Williams, The University of Liverpool. "Climate variability in the ocean: North Atlantic heat storage and overturning"
24th May (Noon) Dr. Jennifer Brown, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Liverpool. "Coupled tide-surge-wave modelling in extreme storm conditions"
14th June (11:30am) Dr. Alessio Bozzo, University of Edinburgh.  
14st June (2pm) Dr. Patrick Taylor, NASA Langley Research Centre  
29-Jun-10 Eleanor Frajka-Williams In situ observations of vertical velocity in a stratified eddy during deep ocean convection
22-Jun-10 Yvonne Hinssen Variability of the winter stratosphere: the sudden stratospheric warming of 2009
08-Jun-10 John Marsham Conclusions from the UK Convective Storm Initiation project (CSIP)
01-Jun-10 Giles Harrison Solar-influenced atmospheric electricity changes and observations of clouds
25-May-10 Michael Herzog Using results from an LES-type model to improve the representation of convective clouds in climate models
18-May-10 Manoj Joshi Climate models and Earth system models: what the differences are and why they're important
04-May-10 Olivier Boucher Aerosol modelling: from climate to numerical weather prediction
16-Mar-10 Agatha de Boer Oceanic CO2 uptake during the last glacial period
09-Mar-10 Jonathan Gregory Energetic analysis of simulated time-dependent changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in response to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration
23-Feb-10 Philip Brown Cloud Physics Research at the Met Office
16-Feb-10 Alexandre Gagon tba
09-Feb-10 Ian Renfrew Atmospheric forcing of the sub-polar seas around Greenland
02-Feb-10 Adrian Matthews Primary and successive events in the Madden-Julian Oscillation
26-Jan-10 Alex Megann New Insights into Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Modelling with the CHIME Model
19-Jan-10 David Stevens High-resolution climate modelling and prediction
08-Dec-09 Philip Stier tba
03-Dec-09 Georgiy Stenchikov Long-term Climate Response to Short-term Volcanic Forcing
01-Dec-09 Chris Hughes Jets, eddies, waves and meanders from sea level measurements
24-Nov-09 Alexey Karpechko Southern hemisphere circulation in an era of ozone recovery
17-Nov-09 Alice Bows Climate change & carbon budgets: the contribution of international transport emissions.
10-Nov-09 Elizabeth Kendon Understanding extreme rainfall processes and the reliability of future predictions
03-Nov-09 John King Recent climate change in the Antarctic Penisula: The role of orographic effects
27-Oct-09 Nicholas Klingaman The role of atmosphere-ocean coupled processes in the intra- seasonal oscillation of the Indian summer monsoon
20-Oct-09 Alberto Naveira Garabato Eddy-induced mixing in the Southern Ocean
13-Oct-09 Ned Ekins-Daukes Atmospheric Cons iderations When Attempting to Estimate the Energy Yield from Photovoltaic Solar Concentrator Systems
18-Sep-09 Helen Worden Instantaneous radiative kernels for tropospheric ozone: Satellite observations and model evaluation
08-Jul-08 Adrian Tuck How molecular dynamics lead to atmospheric scale invariance
  (Visiting Professor to SPAT)  
27-Jun-08 Stephanie Waterman Eddy-Mean Flow Interactions in Western Boundary Current Jets: An observation-driven theoretical study
  (MIT/WHOI joint program)  
24-Jun-08 Matthew Collins Predicting climate change: ensembles, uncertainties and probabilities
  (Met Office)  
17-Jun-08 Helen Hanlon Attribution of changes in extreme weather risk: a study of the European Summer 2003 heatwave
12 June 2008, Wednesday 14:30 Matt Rigby Renewed global growth of atmospheric methane
10 June 2008, Thursday 14:30 Gabi Hegerl Towards detecting and attributing impact relevant climate change
03-Jun-08 Don Grainger Remote Sensing Aerosol: An Unconstrained Folly?
27-May-08 Andrew Thompson Jets, vortices and eddy fluxes in baroclinic turbulence
20-May-08 Rodrigo Caballero Extratropical control of Hadley Cell strength in observations and global climate models
  (University College Dublin)  
13-May-08 Sarah Ineson ENSO and european climate - the role of the stratosphere
  (Met Office)  
07-May-08 Alberto Troccoli Towards a Seamless Weather/Climate Information System for Climate Risk Management
06-May-08 Jenny Griggs Assessment of cloud cover characteristics in satellite datasets and reanalysis products for Greenland
01-May-08 Antje Weisheimer Uncertainty and reliability of multi-model climate predictions
30-Apr-08 Martin Juckes Tropopause dynamics and baroclinic closure
Thursday 11.30 (Rutherford Appleton Lab)  
29-Apr-08 Simon Osborne The physical and optical properties of mineral dust and b iomass-burning aerosol during AMMA-SOP0
  (Met Office)  
22-Apr-08 Roger Kingdon Turbulent Rankine Vortices
18-Mar-08 Greg Smith Using ocean reanalysis to detect climate signals
11-Mar-08 Gaby Radel Persistent contrails, their radiative impact and its dependence on cruise altitude
26-Feb-08 Jonathan Bamber The rapid response of the present-day ice sheets to external forcing
19-Feb-08 Elisa Carboni Aerosol remote sensing from visible and infrared satellite measurements
15-Jan-08 Giovanna Tinetti Observing extrasolar worlds: from gas giants to terrestrial planets
11-Dec-07 Ed Hawkins Variability and predictability of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation
04-Dec-07 Matthew Piggot Recent progress in the development of the adaptive mesh ocean model ICOM
  (Imperial College)  
27-Nov-07 Sanjeev Gupta Catastrophic flooding origin of 'island' Britain - (and some implications for the surface of Mars!)
  (Imperial College)  
20-Nov-07 Lynette Clapp and Andrea Fraser (Imperial College Silwood) Investigation of oxidant sources and trends in the UK
    Simulation of London air quality June 2006
13-Nov-07 Richard Allan (Reading) Precipitation trends and changes in the tropical hydrological cycle
06-Nov-07 Francis Pope (Cambridge) The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of chlorine peroxide (ClOOCl) and implications for ozone chemistry
23-Oct-07 Jonathon Tennyson (UCL) Calculating the Spectrum of Water
16-Oct-07 Heike Langenberg (Nature) How Nature Geoscience works
09-Oct-07 Dudley Chelton (COAS) Satellite Altimeter Observations of Global Westward Energy Propagation
12/06/2007 Tim Woollings (University of Reading) What is the North Atlantic Oscillation?
05/06/2007 Conny Schwierz (University of Leeds) TBC
29/05/2007 Anu Dhudia (University of Oxford) The MIPAS Instrument on Envisat
22/05/2007 Janet Barlow (University of Reading) The DAPPLE Proj ect: Dispersion Experiments in Central London
08/05/2007 Helen Johnson (University of Reading) Reconciling Theories of a Mechanically-driven Meridional Overturning Circulation with Thermohaline Forcing and Multiple Equilibria
24/04/2007 Claude Frankignoul (Paris) Simulated Variability of the North Atlantic Circulation 1953 to 2003
20/03/2007 Hiro Yamazaki (AOPP, University of Oxford) Ensemble modeling of the climate change over the last millennium using volunteer computers over the internet
13/03/2007 Dennis Wheeler (University of Sunderland) Ships' logbooks, documents and the Millenium Project
06/03/2007 Sue Grimmond (King's College) Challenges in Measuring Urban Fluxes of Carbon Dioxide and Water
27/02/2007 Robin Smith (University of Reading) Factors limiting the anthropogenic carbon uptake to the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation
20/02/2007 Bruce Anderson (Boston University) Influences of anthropogenic and oceanic forcing on top-of-atmosphere radiative fluxes and tropospheric temperatures
21/12/2006 John Burrows (University of Bremen) Remote Sensing of Trace Atmospheric Constituents using GOME and SCIAMACHY
05/12/2006 Mar k Baldwin (Northwest Research Associates, USA) Stratosphere - Troposphere Coupling and Climate Change
20/06/2006 Dr Mark Rodwell (ECMWF) The use of NWP to assess climate models
13/06/2006 Dr Mike Molyneux (Met Office) Practical Meteorological Measurements
23/05/2006 Dr Paul Williams (University of Reading) The role of unresolved processes in climate modelling
16/05/2006 Dr Jonathan Gregory (University of Reading) Radiative forcing and climate sensitivity
09/05/2006 Prof Raymond Hide (Imperial College) Atmospheric Super-rotation and changes in the Earth's Rotation
25/04/2006 Dr Simon Retallack (Institute for Public Policy Research) Climate Change