Prof Leroy Gardner


The Steel Structures Research Group is led by Professor Leroy Gardner. Leroy is Professor of Structural Engineering and Head of the Structural Engineering Section in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of both the Institutions of Civil (FICE) and Structural (FIStructE) Engineers. He is engaged in teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, specialist advisory work and leading an active steel structures research group.

Steel Structures Group 2021
Steel Structures Research Group December 2021


Dr Pinelopi Kyvelou  


Dr Pinelopi Kyvelou is Lecturer in Structural Engineering. Her research expertise lies in the areas of testing, numerical modelling and development of design guidance for steel structures. She is engaged in teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, industry consultancy and research supervision.



Within the general area of steel structures, there are numerous ongoing research projects and opportunities for collaboration. Applications are welcome at any time of year.

Enquiries may be made to