PhD research

The Structures PhD community is the largest of such groups in the Department, covering the spectrum from theoretical and numerical to laboratory-based research.

The Structures PhD community is the largest of such groups in the Department, covering the spectrum from theoretical and numerical to laboratory-based research. The group has an active and popular Research Seminar Series of invited speakers running throughout the year, these are listed in the Departmental Events feed. 

Key information

  • standard cohort entry is October in each year, but may be acceptable to start at any point subject to the approval of sponsors, supervisor(s) and  the Department.
  • normal duration of PhD is three to 3.5 years.
  • every student will have a minimum of one academic supervisor;
  • with prior agreement every student will have access to facilities and services appropriate to their work;
  • every student will have access to Professional Skills Training and Career Development;
  • part-time study is available where the student is nor restricted by visa attendance requirements; 
  • the programmes carry the award of the PhD degree together with the Diploma of Imperial College (DIC).

What we offer


Opportunities to

View potential PhD supervisors

View current researchers and their research topics

View completed PhD research titles

Our academic standing

Contact Structures

Civil and Environmental Engineering
Skempton Building
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London, SW7 2AZ

+44(0) 207 594 6040
Alternatively view our people lists

We are located in the Skempton Building (building number 27 on the South Kensington Campus Map). How to find us
