Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is an emerging technology covering the development and implementation of technologies and methodologies for monitoring, inspection and damage assessment based on integrated sensors. The acquired data in combination with advanced signal processing techniques can provide maintenance actions upon demand.

Our group has been at the forefront of recent developments for detecting impact events and damage localization for complex composite structures.  Supported through several European Projects  (SMASH, SCOPE, SARISTU) and a recent Cleansky II, core-partner project SHERLOC with a budget of  €9.6M we are leading a team of European Industries and Research Institutions to take several SHM technologies (PZT, FO, Hybrid) to industrialization through the building block approach.

waThe challenges for development of methodologies and technologies which we are adressing include:

  • High reliability and probability of detection under operational conditions;
  • Applicable to complex structures such as curved composite stiffened panel;
  • Self-diagnostic function to detect faulty sensors;
  • Possibility of repair and/or replacing the sensors without any damage to the structure;
  • Minimum interference with the functionality of the host structure and minimum additional weight.

Selected Publications:
  • Book: A. Salehzadeh Nobari and M.H. Ferri aliabadi, "Vibration-based Techniques For Damage Detection And Localization In Engineering Structures", World Scientific Publishing, 2018
  • Book: M.H. Ferri aliabadi, and Z. Sharif Khodaei, "Structural Health Monitoring for Advanced Composite Structures Computational and Experimental Methods in Structures", Volume 8. 2018: World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd. 288.

Structural health Monitoring Paradigm
