Cleo Kontoravdi's interests lie in the area of biotechnology, with particular focus on the application of systems engineering principles to bioprocessing.

My research involves the systematic integration of model-based tools, such as sensitivity analysis, design of experiments and optimisation, with experimentation on mammalian cell culture systems. Topics of interest include optimisation of process conditions, controlling protein glycosylation, metabolic flux analysis and multiscale modelling.

I obtained my MEng and PhD in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College London. I then worked as a Research and Development Scientist at Lonza Biologics (Slough, U.K.) before rejoining Imperial as a Lonza/RCUK Fellow in Biopharmaceuticals Processing. I am currently a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Chemical Engineering.

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Royal School of Mines
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6226