In my group we develop mathematical methods for the analysis and design of biochemical networks. We focus on understanding the function of natural networks and the design of new biomolecular systems for chemical production. An important part of our research is in collaboration with systems and synthetic biology labs in the UK and abroad. Please visit my personal website for more information

I am a Research Fellow in Biomathematics at the Dept. of Mathematics of Imperial College. I have a BSc and MSc in Electronic Engineering from U. Santa Maria in Valparaiso, Chile.

After receiving my PhD in 2010 from the Hamilton Institute (Maynooth University, Ireland), I held a Marie Curie Fellowship at INRIA Sophia Antipolis (France) and then joined Imperial as a postdoc at the Centre for Synthetic Biology and Innovation.

In 2013 I moved to the Department of Mathematics with an independent position funded by a Junior Research Fellowship from the College.

Key publications

  • D. A. Oyarzún and M. Chaves. "Design of a bistable switch to control cellular uptake". Journal of the Royal Society Interface, (12) 2015.
  • A. Y. Weiße, D. A. Oyarzún, V. Danos, and P. Swain. "A mechanistic link between cellular trade-offs, gene expression and cellular growth". PNAS, 112(9), 2015. (Biorxiv)
  • D. A. Oyarzún, J.-B. Lugagne and G.-B. Stan. "Noise propagation in synthetic gene circuits for metabolic control". ACS Synthetic Biology, 4(2), pp 116-126, 2015.
  • S. Waldherr, D. A. Oyarzún and A. Bockmayr. "Dynamic optimization of metabolic networks coupled with gene expression". Journal of Theoretical Biology, 365, pp 469-485, 2015.
  • D. A. Oyarzún, J. L. Bramhall, F. López-Caamal, F. M. Richards, D. Jodrell and B.-F. Krippendorff. "The EGFR demonstrates linear signal transmission". Integrative Biology, 8(6), 2014. (online)
  • D. A. Oyarzún and G.-B. Stan. "Genetic control circuits for metabolism: design constraints and performance tradeoffs". Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 10(78), 2013.
  • D. A. Oyarzún, F. López-Caamal, M. R. García, R. H. Middleton and A. Y. Weiße. "Cumulative signal transmission in nonlinear reaction-diffusion networks". PLOS One, 8(5), 2013.
  • D. A. Oyarzún, M. Chaves and M. Hoff-Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik. "Multistability and oscillations in genetic control of metabolism". Journal of Theoretical Biology, 295:139-153, 2012.
  • D. A. Oyarzún. "Optimal control of metabolic networks with saturable enzyme kinetics", IET Systems Biology, 2:110, 2011.
  • D. A. Oyarzún, B. P. Ingalls, R. H. Middleton, and D. Kalamatianos. "Sequential activation of metabolic pathways: a dynamic optimization approach". Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 71(8):1851-1872, 2009.

Contact us

Royal School of Mines
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6226