I am interested in synthetic biology as applied to re-engineering the photosynthetic capabilities of cyanobacteria. I also have an interest in protein design and engineering, again with applications to photosynthesis.

James Murray received his BA in biochemistry from Cambridge in 2000, and his DPhil in structural biology from Oxford in 2005. He worked with Jim Barber at Imperial College on the structure of Photosystem II, before receiving a David Phillips Fellowship to work on protein design for biomimetic photosynthesis. He is currently a lecturer in the department of Life Sciences at Imperial College.

Dr Murray’s research interest is in the structural basis of the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis. He is working on ways to modify the carbon fixation reactions in cyanobacteria to improve on the efficiency while retaining tolerance of oxygen. He has also interested in mechanisms by which nitrogenase may be protected from oxygen.

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Royal School of Mines
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6226
Email: t.briggs@imperial.ac.uk