
The Transport Strategy Centre (TSC), previously known as The Railway and Transport Strategy Centre, was established in 1992 as a centre of excellence serving the railway industry on strategic, economic and technology issues. TSC has since broadened its international group of research partners and strengthened its position as strategic advisors to public transport organisations around the globe. The TSC at Imperial College London is well known within the transport industry for its research in the field of public transport operations & management, transport economics and policy, and its expertise in relation to the initiation, facilitation and management of multi-year international benchmarking projects.

For more information on our projects, please see our Academic Research and Applied Research pages.


TSC Directors and Associate Directors

The Centre is led by our Directors Professor Dan Graham (Co-Director/Head of Centre for Transport Engineering and Modelling) and Richard Anderson (Co-Director/Managing Director), as well as our Associate Directors Alexander Barron, Benjamin Condry, Mark Trompet and Lindsey Morse.

TSC Directors

TSC Associate Directors

Management Committee

Our main governing body is the TSC Management Committee, which includes our Chair, Directors, Finance Manager, and the Head of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering. The team is accountable for setting the overall strategy, financial targets and the governable controls, including reporting and review. 

Contact us

Transport Strategy Centre
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ - UK

enquiries.tsc@imperial.ac.uk or +44 (0)20 7594 5995