Terms of reference
- To oversee the development and implementation of the College’s Learning and Teaching Strategy, ensuring alignment with College Strategy, the Academic Regulations and the Academic Standards Framework (ASF).
- To proactively identify, support and promote innovations in learning,teaching and assessment.
- To consider the evaluation of various approaches to curriculum design, delivery and assessment, ensuring that the impact on different student groups is understood and that the results are used to inform future practice.
- To communicate and promote the profile of learning and teaching and the student experience at Imperial College.
- To engage with and recommend action as appropriate to address key themes emerging from internal and external surveys of students.
- To advise on the College’s Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) submission and to support work to address issues arising from the TEF.
- To consider responses to external consultations on matters relating to learning and teaching.
- To identify best practice from across the sector that can inform enhancement within College.
- To ensure alignment of the ASF with the Student Information Management Programme (SIMP) process, Specifically, but not limited to, the Academic Programme Lifecycle (APL) work stream.
- To receive and consider reports from the Online Learning Innovation Group (OLIG) and the I-Explore Module Innovation Group (IMIG).
Reports to Senate
Constitution and membership
Meeting dates and deadlines