Terms of reference

  • To advise the Senate and, where appropriate, the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee (QAEC) on all matters relating to the development of postgraduate taught education.*
  • To advise the Senate and, where appropriate, the Quality Assurance andEnhancement Committee (QAEC) on changes to higher degree regulations and the developments in UK and international policy on postgraduate education.
  • To implement new initiatives concerning postgraduate students as requested by the Senate and Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee (QAEC).
  • To determine the standards and framework by which departments operate for postgraduate taught education.
  • To oversee the processes of quality assurance for taught postgraduate degrees.
  • To propose and advise on modifications to College regulations and procedures that affect postgraduate taught students.
  • To consider the reviews of new and existing programmes, including those for joint postgraduate taught programmes.
  • To oversee minor changes in existing programme curricula and examination structures approved by Departments.
  • To approve new modules, changes in module titles, major changes in examination structure and marking schemes, and programme specifications for existing degree programmes and inform Senate.
  • To review proposals for new programmes and awards, major changes in the curriculum for existing programmes, and the discontinuation of existing programmes, and make recommendations to Senate as appropriate.
  • To approve marking schemes for postgraduate taught programmes.
  • To approve the appointment of examiners and to consider external examiners’ reports.
  • To appoint panels to consider special cases for admission and other circumstances.
  • To oversee all special cases.
  • To advise on matters relating to the recruitment and registration of postgraduate students.
  • To oversee the professional skills development programme for postgraduate taught students in the College.
  • To seek ways to develop and improve the postgraduate student experience.
  • To oversee surveys that include postgraduate students.
  • To have oversight of the College’s responses to postgraduate funding calls or other opportunities.
  • To maintain an overview of the statistics on admissions, completion rates, withdrawals, destination statistics for students, examination irregularities (including cases of plagiarism), student appeals and disciplinaries and report these annually to Senate.
  • To report to Senate.

There will be two separate committees – one for Business, Engineering & Physical Sciences (BEPS) and one for Medicine, Life Sciences & the School of Professional Development (MLSPD).

Constitution and membership


  • Director and Deputy Director of Graduate School (one to be Chair);
  • Deputy Chair; Vice-Provost(Education);
  • Director of Student Support;
  • a College Consul for Natural Sciences;
  • College Consul for Engineering and the Business School;
  • a College Tutor;
  • a representative chosen by the Head of Department (usually the Director of Postgraduate Studies or a Course Organiser) from each of the constituent departments;
  • one representative from the Business School;
  • one representative from the Centre for Environmental Policy;
  • the Academic Registrar (or nominee);
  • one student representative from each of the relevant areas including the ICU Deputy President (Education) and the GSU President; with the power to co-opt.
 Dr David McPhail  Graduate School Deputy Director (Chair)
 Professor Susan Gibson  Graduate School Director (Deputy Chair)
 Professor Debra Humphris  Vice-Provost (Education)
 Professor Denis Wright  Director of Student Support
 Professor Richard Thompson  College Consul for Natural Sciences
 Professor Richard Jardine  

College Consul for Engineering & the Business

 Dr Simon Archer  College Tutor
 Mr Dean Pateman  Academic Registrar
 Professor Sergei Chernysenko  Aeronautics
 Dr Darryl Overby  Bioengineering
 Professor Kang Li  Chemical Engineering
 Professor Bassam Izzuddin  Civil & Environmental Engineering
 Dr Fabri Sadri  Computing
 Professor Howard Johnson  Earth Science & Engineering
 Professor Andrew Holmes  Electrical & Electronic Engineering
 [Dr David McPhail]  Materials
 Dr Pat Leevers  Mechanical Engineering
 Dr Laura Barter  Chemistry
 Dr John Gibbons  Mathematics
Professor Lesley Cohen Physics
Dr Nick Voulvoulis Centre for Environmental Policy
Dr Marco Mongiello Business School
Ms Natalie Kempston ICU Deputy President (Education)
Mr Andreas Thomik GSU President
Ms Ruxandra Luca Academic & Welfare Officer – Business
TBC Academic & Welfare Officer – Physical Sciences
Mr Mohammad Ahmadzadeh Academic & Welfare Officer – Engineering
Mr Dan Smith Assistant Registrar as Secretary
Summary of the table's contents

Meeting dates and deadlines

Committee dates 2015/16Submission deadlines 2015/16
17 November 2015  03 November 2015 
Summary of the table's contents

Agenda items (including papers) should be submitted to the committee secretary two weeks prior to the committee meeting. Papers will normally be circulated to members one week prior to the committee meeting. 

* 24 May meeting is the meeting before the last Senate of the academic year. All proposals taking effect from 2016/17 must be approved by this date.




Academic year 2015/16

Academic year 2014/15

Academic year 2013/14

Academic year 2012/13

For committee minutes prior to 2012/13, please contact the committee secretary.