Terms of reference

Reporting to Senate, the Medical Studies Committee is responsible for overseeing the Faculty of Medicine’s MBBS/BSc programme, including Graduate and Direct Entry and the BSc programmes in Medical Sciences, Biomedical Science and Biomedical Science with Management. The Committee’s role, overseen by the Chair, who is appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, is to ensure coherence in undergraduate programmes within the Faculty of Medicine. The Committee will maintain an overview of curriculum content, structure, organisation, assessment, learning resources, quality assurance and enhancement, and delivery of the teaching timetable.

Following the agreement with the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore to form a new joint medical school, the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, the Committee has an additional responsibility of monitoring and approving, where appropriate, curriculum, assessment, quality and other relevant academic governance and regulation issues relating to the School.

The Committee’s specific responsibilities are:
1. To oversee the provision of undergraduate medical education and other degree programmes in the Faculty of Medicine, and where appropriate, at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Singapore.
2. To monitor and enhance the quality of undergraduate medical education and other degree programmes in the Faculty of Medicine.
3. Ensure that the quality of undergraduate medical education at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Singapore, is equal to the high standard of the provision in London.
4. To ensure the continued development of the programmes, receive reports on student feedback, student experience and curriculum-related comments from a variety of quality management processes, including external examiner reports, and ensure that appropriate action is identified and implemented.
5. To commission and receive reports on reviews of new and existing courses.
6. To receive reports on minor changes to existing curriculum and assessment structures approved by subordinate committees.
7. To review proposals for new courses, major changes to existing courses, and the discontinuation of existing courses and approve new modules, title changes, major changes to the curriculum, existing assessments, and programme specifications for existing degree programmes, ensuring that these are reported alongside recommendations to Senate as appropriate. Where appropriate, to recommend to Senate curriculum and assessment structures developed for the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Singapore.
8. To monitor and co-ordinate the activities of the Education Committees (Early Years, BScs and Years 3, 5 & 6) and commission and review proposals from the Education Committees as to the timing, structure, extent and status of assessment and examinations within the undergraduate medicine curriculum.
Approved Senate 10 December 2014
9. To receive summary meeting reports of the: Education Committees (as above) and the
Student Services Committee. In addition to this, the Committee may receive reports from
other committees and working groups, where appropriate.
10. The Committee will receive papers and reports in relation to the monitoring of and
approving, where appropriate, curriculum, assessment, quality and other relevant
academic governance and regulation issues at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine.
11. To consider all business relating to assessments and examinations leading to the award
of the MBBS/BSc, MBBS and BSc degrees, reporting to Senate as appropriate, and
approve, as appropriate, any changes to the composition of the Boards of Examiners.
12. Where necessary, to recommend amendment of the Academic Regulations for the
MBBS/BSc, MBBS and BSc degrees to the Senate.
13. To ensure that the recommendations of the QAA and GMC (or other external agency)
and any internal Imperial College reviews are implemented appropriately.
14. To ensure that adequate learning resources are provided to support the delivery of the
teaching of the programme.
15. To monitor the provision and quality of e-learning.

 Professor Sue Smith  A member of the School Board (Chair)
 Professor Jenny Higham  Vice-Dean (Education and Institutional Affairs)
 Mr Martin Lupton  Head of the Undergraduate School of Medicine
 Dr Jo Harris  Director of Curriculum and Assessment
 Professor Alison McGregor  Director of Undergraduate Science
 Professor Karim Meeran  Director of Teaching
 [Professor Sue Smith]  Director of Admissions, Equality and Diversity
 Dr Mike Schachter  School Senior Tutor
 Professor Debra Humphris  Vice-Provost (Education)
 Professor Denis Wright  Director of Student Support
 Dr Mick Jones  A College Tutor
 Professor Myra McClure  Consuls for Medicine
 Professor Des Johnston  Consuls for Medicine
 Dr Mike Barrett  Head of Learning Resources
 Dr Mark Sullivan  Head of the Biomedical Science programme
 TBA  A Representative of the Directors of Clinical Studies
 Dr Carolyn Gabriel  A Representative of the Vertical Theme Heads

Dr Naomi Low-Beer


A Representative from the Lee Kong Chian School of


Leads for undergraduate education from academic
departments (or their Deputies):

 Dr Paul Aylin  School of Public Health
 [Professor Karim Meeran]  Department of Medicine
 [Professor Sue Smith]  National Heart & Lung Institute
 [Professor Alison McGregor]  Department of Surgery and Cancer
 Mr Jeremy Fernando  Business School
 Ms Giskin Day  Centre for Co-Curricular Studies
   Chairs of Committees (or their Deputies):
 Professor Mary Morrell  Education Committee (Early Years)
 Dr Sarvesh Saini  Education Committee (Years 3, 5 & 6)
 [Professor Alison McGregor]  Education Committee (BScs)
 [Professor Sue Smith]  Student Services Committee
   Administrative Staff (or their Deputies):
 Ms Susan English  Director of Education Management
 Mr Paul Ratcliffe  Deputy Director of Education Management
 Mr Chris Harris  Quality and Educational Development Manager (Secretary)
 Mr Dean Pateman  Academic Registrar
  Student representatives (or their Deputies):
Mr Pascal Loose Imperial College Students’ Union Deputy President (Education)
Mr Dariush Hassanzadeh-Baboli Imperial College School of Medicine Students’ Union President
  Working Groups & Co-opted members: 

The Committee will expect to form working groups, co-opting other members of staff with particular knowledge and experience, to consider specific issues, when appropriate.

Summary of the table's contents
Meeting dates and deadlines
Committee dates (Academic year 2015/16)Submission deadlines (Academic year 2015/16)
 20 November 2015  06 November 2015
Summary of the table's contents

Agenda items (including papers) should be submitted to the committee secretary two weeks prior to the committee meeting. Papers will normally be circulated to members one week prior to the committee meeting.



Academic year 2015/16

  • 20 November 2015

Academic year 2014/15

Academic year 2013/14

Academic year 2012/13

For committee minutes prior to 2012/13, please contact the committee secretary.