Students walking across Dangoor Plaza

Thank you to everyone who took part in our strategy consultation. Your feedback was key to shaping our ambition and vision for the future.

During phase I, we focused on addressing fundamental questions about our academic mission, focused on the three pillars of education and student experience, research and enterprise, and societal and global engagement. From the results, we were able to draw out some key points:

  • Pride that Imperial is a leading global university – and continued ambitions for reaching our full potential.
  • Respondents want Imperial to remain ‘curiosity driven’ and create space for ‘blue-sky research’.
  • For signature issues, respondents want us to maintain a leading position in our research and consider major global issues like climate change.
  • Sustainability should be explicitly referenced in the Strategy.
  • Supporting our people, improving our infrastructure and investment in our systems are fundamental, as was creating a ‘culture of collaboration’ to help partnerships within Imperial and outside to grow.
  • Strong desire to bolster our reputation and get Imperial the recognition it deserves.

Statistics from the survey


During phase II, we sought feedback on the proposed vision, strategic drivers, reasons why people choose Imperial and future key challenges. From the results, we were able to draw out some key points:

The proposed vision:

  • It should be distinctive, putting emphasis on Imperial's USP(s) - e.g. STEMMB focus, depth and breadth of expertise, London, teaching methods and research-driven modules.
  • World-leading should be featured, but ambition should be balanced with humility.
  • Transformational thinking was also mentioned, together with the aim of making all people’s lives better globally.
  • Collaboration was key for the vision; it should be clear that collaboration is happening internally and externally, and that Imperial is an inspirational environment fostering togetherness.

Reasons why partners choose Imperial and why people choose to come here and stay:

  • Depth and breadth of STEMMB expertise, reputation of having a can-do attitude, people, culture, interdisciplinarity, collaboration and opportunities.

Future key challenges:

  • Inequalities and associated consequences, climate change, pandemics, AI, threats to democracy, preparedness to adapt and tackle future problems.

Strategy development

A Strategy Steering Group was established to facilitate the development of the Strategy through monitoring progress against milestones and targets.


  • Hugh Brady, President
  • Maggie Dallman, Associate Provost (Academic Partnerships), Vice President (International)
  • Peter Haynes, Vice Provost (Education and Student Experience)
  • Robert Kerse, Chief Operating Officer
  • Mary Ryan, Vice Provost (Research and Enterprise)
  • Anna Shierson, Director of Strategic Planning
  • Ian Walmsley, Provost
  • Amanda Wolthuizen, Chief of Staff to the President and Director of Public Affairs

The Strategy Working Group supported and co-ordinated activities of the workstreams and enablers, and engagement with Imperial's community and external stakeholders.


  • Camille Boutrolle, Imperial College Union President
  • Lizzie Burrows, Director of Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions  
  • Heather Campbell, Head of Provost's Office 
  • Kathryn Charlesworth, Strategic Projects and Operations Manager, President's Office 
  • Lynne Cox, Director of Research Office 
  • Karen Foster, Director of Strategic Programmes & Change
  • Michael Haig, Deputy Director of Communications - Internal Communications
  • Simon Hepworth, Director of Enterprise 
  • Richard Johnson, Faculty Operating Officer, Business School
  • Richard Martin, Director of Academic Services
  • Michael McTernan, Head of the International Relations Office 
  • Michael Murphy, Vice President (Advancement)
  • Andrew Paterson, Director of Principal Gifts
  • Zoe Paxton, Director of Communications
  • Philip Power, Director of Education Office & Head of Strategic Projects
  • Emily Roche, Executive Officer to the Vice Provost (Research and Enterprise)
  • Anna Shierson, Director of Strategic Planning  
  • Tim Venables, Faculty Operating Officer, Engineering
  • Amanda Wolthuizen, Chief of Staff to the President and Director of Public Affairs



Phase I

October 2022

New Strategy development launched at President's Inaurgural Address

Strategy Steering Group and Strategy Working Group established

October 2022-January 2023

Workstreams review of Academic Mission:

  • Research and Enterprise
  • Education and Student Experience
  • Societal and Global Engagement

Review of strategic enablers and cross cutting themes: 

  • Enablers: Digital, Physical and Financial 
  • Cross cutting themes: People, Brand, Academic Operations and Sustainability

January 2023

Consultation paper production

Phase II

February-March 2023

Internal and external consultation on the mission workstreams

Phase III

April-May 2023

Review consultation feedback to refine our approach

June-July 2023

A second round of consultation on the proposed vision and strategic drivers

July-September 2023

Review of feedback and strategic initiatives 

Phase IV 

October-March 2024

Community engagement on the strategic initiatives

Finalise Strategy and design

March 2024

Launch the Strategy 

Phase I: Consultation on the mission pillars of Education and Student Experience, Research and Enterprise, and Societal and Global Engagement. 

  • The engagement with the consultation was broad with the strategy consultation paper downloaded 702 times and the four ‘In Conversations’ which set out the strategy pillars and enabling strategy attended by an average of 1,200 people each time.  
  • Individual responses: an open on-line survey was held between February to March. During this period over 2,500 responses were received from staff, students, prospective students, alumni and other stakeholders.
  • Faculty/Departmental responses: many academic departments, professional units, research institutes, special interest groups and staff networks submitted separate responses via email or an area leads form: 33 responses were received in this manner. 
  • Consultation groups were held by student leads with students, and we received an area response from the Union and one student group.
  • We held a series of five 90-minute workshops held by external consultants, both virtually and online, where a further 49 students, staff and alumni fed in their views.   

Phase II: Consultation on the proposed vision, strategic drivers, reasons people choose Imperial and future key challenges. 

  • Heads of Department (HoDs) were invited to attend one of 18 small group discussions, facilitated by the President's Office and Strategic Planning. 58 HoDs (46 academics, 12 PTO) and one sabbatical officer from the Student Union participated in the sessions.
  • Following the sessions, HoDs held discussions in their areas and reported their views via an online form or via email.
  • Staff and students were invited to participate in one of 6 workshops run by external consultants. A total of 46 staff and students attended.