Creating dedicated access routes for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles

The delivery of the new entrances to White City Campus is progressing well, with the first phase opening in December 2024.  

The first phase saw the completion of the vehicle access bridge, with a dedicated cycle lane. The opening of the new access bridge coincided with the completion of works by London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham to improve the junction, including enhancements to the road and pavements in this area.  

Work is now underway on the construction of the second phase of the bridge, which will provide pedestrians and wheelchair users with a direct route to White City Campus via an attractive landscaped bridge.  

When complete, the new entrance to Imperial’s White City Campus will deliver:  

  • Improved accessibility and connectivity, better integrating the campus with the local area  
  • Safer and easier access for all campus users, with dedicated routes for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles 
  • A greener and more attractive entrance and connection with Wood Lane 
  • Integration with the new and existing cycle routes in the wider area.  

The delivery of Imperial’s new bridge to White City Campus has been carefully coordinated with London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham (LBHF) and Transport for London's (TfL), which are responsible for the significant junction improvements to Wood Lane/South Africa Road and creating a new dedicated two-way cycle lane on the west side of Wood Lane.  

Access arrangements until Summer 2025 

Following the completion of the first phase of the bridge in December 2024, and the closure of Depot Road, temporary arrangements access are in place.  

The cycle lane is designated as shared space and can be used by pedestrians and cyclists. Pedestrian crossings have been put in place to support pedestrian access to Scale Space.  

The shared use of the cycle lane and the pedestrian crossing is managed by Imperial's Security Team to ensure safe passage of campus users.  

Cyclists are able to use the shared space or the road to access campus.  

From Summer 2025 onwards – permanent access arrangements  

From Summer, the second pedestrian part of the bridge will complete.  

All pedestrians and wheelchair users will use the new landscaped bridge, which offers step access on two sides and gentle switchback ramped access in the centre.   

Cyclists will be expected to use the dedicated, segregated cycle path, which will connect with Wood Lane and the new Cycle Route C34 connecting North Acton and Shepherds Bush. Pedestrians will not be using the cycle path from Summer 2025.   

Check out the upcoming phases of the new pedestrian bridge construction:   

Vehicle bridge completes and opens  

Backfill and installation of utilities to pedestrian bridge to make connections to Wood Lane

Installation of paving to all areas of South bridge and tie in to LBHF works on Wood Lane  

Infrastructure Works detail 

In 2025, Imperial and its contractor Carey’s will be completing the final construction of the pedestrian bridge, including the removal of the previous Depot Road bridge over the Central Line.  

Some out-of-hours works will be necessary. We appreciate residents' continued understanding and cooperation and have carefully planned the operation to mitigate noise and vibration to the local area. Works on the new entrance bridge to Imperial’s White City Campus is expected to be complete by summer 2025.  


Imperial’s principal contractor is Carey’s (P.J Carey Contractors Ltd), a highly regarded construction company and a member of the Considerate Constructors Scheme. 

For any questions or concerns in relation to bridge works, please contact Carey’s:  

  • James Williams, Carey’s Project Manager: +44 7789 925272 
  • James Morgan, Carey’s Project Engineer: +44 7462 414813 
  • Kenny Nealy, Construction Manager: +44 7703 819692 
  • Andrew Sadler, Senior Engineer: +44 7840 149862 

For any concerns about Carey’s or White City Campus construction in general, please contact: 

  • Sarah King, White City Campus Manager: +44 7714 051675 