Frequently asked questions
- Why have we developed a Sustainable Travel Policy?
- How have you developed the travel policy?
- What changes have been made to the policy since the consultations over summer 2023?
- What about other aspects of sustainable travel beyond air travel?
- What is the climate conscious travel approach?
- How do you plan to fund this policy, as lower carbon options are typically much more expensive?
- Are there going to be offsetting options?
- My funders won’t allow extra costs for sustainable travel, they demand the cheapest route possible.
- I have childcare/caring responsibilities, I don’t have time to take the longer, lower-carbon travel option.
- I am required to travel with my world-leading research and create important contributions on behalf of Imperial. How will this impact me?
- How will decisions be made about climate conscious travel, time back in lieu and other changes in the travel policy?
- I am a travel booker on behalf of others in my team – how will this impact my role?
- I am required to network on behalf of Imperial, in order to make connections.
- Have you considered a carbon tax or frequent flyer levy to encourage less air travel?
- I don’t book my travel through Imperial's preferred suppliers such as Egencia, how will you monitor my travel?
- What changes have been made to the Expenses Policy to support the Sustainable Business Travel Policy?
Why have we developed a Sustainable Travel Policy?
How have you developed the travel policy?
What changes have been made to the policy since the consultations over summer 2023?
What about other aspects of sustainable travel beyond air travel?
What is the climate conscious travel approach?
How do you plan to fund this policy, as lower carbon options are typically much more expensive?
Are there going to be offsetting options?
My funders won’t allow extra costs for sustainable travel, they demand the cheapest route possible.
I have childcare/caring responsibilities, I don’t have time to take the longer, lower-carbon travel option.
I am required to travel with my world-leading research and create important contributions on behalf of Imperial. How will this impact me?
How will decisions be made about climate conscious travel, time back in lieu and other changes in the travel policy?
I am a travel booker on behalf of others in my team – how will this impact my role?
I am required to network on behalf of Imperial, in order to make connections.
Have you considered a carbon tax or frequent flyer levy to encourage less air travel?
I don’t book my travel through Imperial's preferred suppliers such as Egencia, how will you monitor my travel?
What changes have been made to the Expenses Policy to support the Sustainable Business Travel Policy?