At a Glance

  • Face-to-face course with visits
  • Thursday 14 November 2024
  • Day School 10:30 - 16:30
  • Fee: £93 (single rate)
  • Tutor: Dr David McKinstry

Enrol-by Date

  • 14 October 2024
Booking link

One of the leading scientists of his age, and a founder of the Royal Society, Christopher Wren is considered by some to be the greatest architect Britain produced.

Responsible for introducing the first domes into England, Wren can also claim responsibility for the quintessential look of London which we still associate with the city today, which emerged following the devastating fire that destroyed London in 1666.

On this fascinating day school we invite you to join architectural historian Dr David McKinstry looking at the London that Wren built.

Combining Greek and Roman forms, with contemporary French and Italian styles, and even aspects of Gothic, Dutch and Muslim architecture, Wren developed a uniquely English form of the Baroque that came to dominate London architecture for the next 250 years.

The study day is divided into two halves. In the morning we will be in the classroom at Imperial College in South Kensington, learning about the sources that influenced Wren. After lunch we will go out into London and visit some of the stunning churches Wren built, including St Paul's Cathedral.

Join us for an exciting way to discover more about London's history and architecture, and no previous experience of art or architecture history is necessary.

We will be walking between different buildings in the City of London, so please do bear this in mind before enrolling.

Class Recordings

These classes are not recorded


Attendance Certificate


Successful completion of this course leads to the award of an Imperial College attendance certificate


Terms and conditions apply to all enrolments to this course. Please read them before enrolment

Course Information

Course Programme

10:30 to 12:00 - Classroom session at Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus

12:00 to 13:30 - Break for Lunch (not included)

13:30 Meet at St Stephen Walbrook Church for afternoon session to view:

  • St Mary Aldermary
  • St Martin within Ludgate
  • Temple Bar and the Chapter House (exterior only)
  • St Paul’s Cathedral

Entrance fee to St Paul's Cathedral is included in the course fee.

This programme may be subject to change depending on timings and the possibility of city churches to close at short notice.

16:30 End of day

Your Tutor

David McKinstry is a renowned specialist in design history, formerly secretary to the Georgian Society and adviser to London local government on development applications for historical buildings in the city.

David works as a freelance urban design and conservation professional within local government and recently completed a DPhil on metropolitan Italianate architecture at the University of Oxford. His research interests are broad and include urban design and civic and commercial architecture, particularity in relation to 19th-century Europe.

Course Fees and Rate Categories
Course Fee    
No early bird rate or other discounts are available for this Day School. Part-payments are not possible


Term Dates 2024-25
Session Date and Time of the Wren's London Day School Spring term Summer term
 1 Thursday 14 November 2024 from 10:30 - 16:30* n/a n/a
*This is a 1-session Day School
Enrolment Process

Enrolment via the blue booking link is open

Enrolment and payment run through the Imperial College eStore. When enrolling:

  • Do check on the drop down menu above called "Course Fees and Rate Categories" to see if you are eligible for a discounted rate and also do make sure you select that rate when enrolling on the eStore
  • If you are a first-time eStore user you will need to create an account before enrolling. You can do this by entering an email address and password. This account can then be used for any future enrolments via the eStore.

When you have enrolled you will be sent the following email notifications:

What is sent When is it sent What does it contain
1. Payment confirmation Is sent straight away following submission of your online application
  • This is a receipt for your payment and includes payment date, order number and course title
  • Confirmation of your place on your chosen course will follow later as long as the course recruits enough students to run. If not you will receive a refund of your payment.
2. Enrolment confirmation Is usually sent within 10 working days. Please treat your payment confirmation as confirmation that your applicant details and payment have been received
  • Confirms your course choice
  • Shows your course's term dates
  • Confirms the day and time of your course
3. Programme information Is usually sent on Friday late afternoon the week before term starts
  • Contains joining instructions for your course, either online or in the classroom, depending on the course
  • If you need further help with the above information please ring 020 7594 8756 / +44 20 7594 8756.
  • All enrolments are provisional until the course is confirmed to run. This will be dependent on the course reaching the minimum number of enrolments.
  • All enrolments are subject to our Terms and Conditions. It is not possible to join one of our courses without agreeing to be bound by our Terms and Conditions.
Any Questions?

If you have any questions about the academic content or teaching of this course please contact the Course Tutor, Dr David McKinstry,

If you have any questions about your enrolment or payment processes please contact the Programme Administrator, Christian Jacobi,

Contact us

Imperial after:hours Adult Education
Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication
Level 3 - Sherfield Building
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ
Tel. +44 20 7594 8756