Wind turbines

Let's save the planet! - But, how?

Module details

  • Offered to 1st years
  • Tuesdays 16.00-18.00
  • 8 weeks (autumn or spring term)
  • Planned delivery: On campus (South Kensington)
  • Non-credit only
How to enrol

This module will give you a good understanding of key issues in environmental economics and the control of environmental degradation.

It will equip you with both a theoretical and factual basis for critically evaluating government policy on environmental regulation and international responses to environmental issues which cross national borders. You will learn how an estimated value is placed on the environment.

There will be an opportunity to do independent research and produce recommendations about an environmental issue of your choice.

Information blocks

At the end of the module you will be able to:

1. Explain the nature and causes of environmental degradation;
2. Identify, explain and evaluate the principal methods for placing a value on environmental resources;
3. Explain the rationale for government intervention and its forms in the face of market failure;
4. Identify and explain the policy approaches available to government to regulate pollution, with reference to appropriate economic frameworks;
5. Conduct independent research using relevant secondary sources including economic data;
6. Write an essay analysing a contemporary economic issues.

1. Market failure and the environment
2. Concepts and methods for valuing the environment; cost-benefit analysis
3. Economic growth, the environment and sustainable development
4. The economics of non-renewable resources
5. The economics of renewable resources
6. The economics of climate change
7. Energy and the environment
8. Biodiversity

The module will be taught by one, two hour, lecture each week. The lecture time will incorporate discussion of key issues, mini case studies and video cases. This will promote active learning and critical thought.

You will receive individual written feedback on all assessment items within two weeks of the submission date. You will have the opportunity to meet one to one with the module leader to discuss the feedback if you wish.

  • Coursework: Individual essay 1500 word essay (80%)
  • Practical: Individual presentation - 5 minute individual presentation in-class (20%)
  • ECTS value: 0
  • Requirements: You must be prepared to attend all classes and to spend about an hour a week preparing for each session
  • This module is designed as an undergraduate Level 4 course. For an explanation of levels, view the Imperial Horizons Level Descriptors page.‌